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  • xXTheBlackSheepXx
    Jun 20, 2011

    I'm doing good! Tomorrow I have my last doctor appointment and if they find out I'm not still wheezing then I'm all clear ^_^ Going to see a movie tonight with a friend... I'm sick of being on bedrest x)

  • Angela
    Jun 19, 2011

    Your avatar, is it a tenor sax or a baritone? It looks too big to be an alto.

    HIGHWHITESOCKS You know, I have no idea. I only have it here for inspiration for my current novel, lol
    Jun 19, 2011

    xXTheBlackSheepXx looks like a tenor to me, bari's are ginormous. x)
    Jun 20, 2011

  • I know I'm only 15, but I know without a doubt that I want to be a teacher when I grow up. What do you want to be? Any thoughts or commitments?

    captain.classy Pixar Animator!
    Jun 18, 2011

    Angela Combination of high school English teacher and a creative writer. My thinking is: Starving occupation starving occupation = Less starving worker.
    Jun 19, 2011

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  • rayhutch5
    Jun 16, 2011

    Haha, all right. I'll keep that in mind. :)

  • rayhutch5
    Jun 16, 2011

    Aw, that's awesome! I can't wait to read it now! :D I'm very excited to read about this family (well, your family) now! :) Sounds very interesting!

  • rayhutch5
    Jun 15, 2011

    Haha, very nice. :D That sounds like a joke my sister would make lol. Awesome! I know how that is. Anyone who doesn't write, doesn't know how much blood, sweat, and tears go into books. So I'll definitely review your work! I look forward to reading whatever awesomeness you've come up with! :D Thank you! And happy summer to you as well!

  • Team Avatar is flying through the desert looking for the Spirit's Library...

    Toph: Look, there it is! *points*
    (everyone looks and sees that there's nothing there)
    Toph: That's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it *waves hand in front of face*

    Qoh16 I love that show! its my secret nerdy pleasure. haha!!!
    Jun 16, 2011

    HIGHWHITESOCKS It's the greatest animated show on television! How could you not love it?
    Jun 16, 2011

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  • rayhutch5
    Jun 14, 2011

    Hey, Socks! So sorry it took me so long to respond to your first post on my wall; I haven't been on YWS in a while due to finals. :/ Anyways, since summer is here (couldn't have come at a better time!) I'll be on more often to where I can actually see my notifications from the past week lol. I'd love to review your work! :) I'll get right on it as soon as I get the chance. Thanks so much for the offer of reviewing my work, by the way. If you feel up to it (even though I'm taking a break and working on another novel at the moment) you can review my novel, "Anything But Normal" on my portfolio. It's a first draft, so it's very rough.

    See you around,

  • xXTheBlackSheepXx
    Jun 14, 2011

    Oh! I just forgot to say this in my review, but for Ch1 Pt2, the rating is 12+ and I think to be safe it should be higher. I don't think many people pay attention to ratings anyways, but you have an F-bomb and more swearing and blood and one of your characters killed a man, so some 12 year olds might be a little freaked, i dunno x)

    HIGHWHITESOCKS They're gettin a lot more liberal with ratings these days. Eh, let the 12-year-olds read it, it'll toughen em up! :D
    Jun 14, 2011

    xXTheBlackSheepXx lolz xD alright
    Jun 14, 2011

  • xXTheBlackSheepXx
    Jun 14, 2011

    Great, I'll get on it :) Can't wait to see what you wrote xD

  • Butterfinger
    Jun 12, 2011

    Hey there! Would you review this? It's called Jakil.

  • vox nihili
    Jun 10, 2011


  • psudiname
    Jun 9, 2011

    I'm having trouble continuing vengeance. maybe one of these days on live you can help me work up the inspiration to start it again, but for the moment I'm working on three other projects, one of which is now finished, and entitled "A battle with an old friend".

    HIGHWHITESOCKS You know what would be an even better title, I think? "Old Friends, New Wounds" :D Feel free to take all the credit, lol
    Jun 9, 2011

  • Hey Socks, I'm good. Have a date with that guy ^_^

    HIGHWHITESOCKS Yaaaaay! ^_^ I'll keep my fingers crossed for all to go well! Haha, but we needn't worry, I'm sure you'll wow him with your amazingness.
    Jun 8, 2011

We're just all nosy little busybodies.
— SirenCymbaline the Kiwi