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even if;

  • Thankyou for the follow <3

    GoldenQuill @Eternity Of course. <3 (:
    Feb 22, 2017

  • Posted up the next chapter of Still Stone, to those who want to read it! Will do a few more reviews, then maybe work more on this silly book! (I'm in love with it.)

    Still Stone - two. (part one.)

    GoldenQuill Just in case you guys wanted to continue -- @jimss23 and @queenofscience.
    Also, to any who may be reading this that haven't read any of it prior, feel free to just jump right in! I don't mind! (:

    Feb 22, 2017

    queenofscience I saw that you had more chapters up. I will read them. And I will provaly post the updated verson of chapter 1.
    Feb 22, 2017

  • Thanks for the follow!

    GoldenQuill Of course! You're supera cool! :mrgreen:
    Feb 22, 2017

  • Next chapter of Still Stone due to hit the "press" tomorrow! It's sitting at over 4,000 words. Should I upload it in 2,000 word chunks, or just altogether?

    Mea 2000 word chunks is usually better, especially if there's a decent place to break it halfway through. :)
    Feb 22, 2017

    GoldenQuill @Mea Thank you for your perspective, Mea!
    Feb 22, 2017

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  • GoldenQuill
    Feb 22, 2017

    phpBB [media]

    This is the perfect music to work to. The music in this series melts my heart.

  • #teasertuesday -- from the first page I landed on in my current book, Still Stone.
    Spoiler! :
    Homesickness. It is not an unusual feeling to have, she supposes. But it is the biggest enemy to a life of a travel, the life of an adventurer. It’s with that thought that she nods seriously and takes another hard bite of her food.
    You should have said goodbye to your mother.
    The thought aches, suddenly, though it, for some reason unknown to her, has never come into her mind her entire journey.
    Why did you not say goodbye to your mother?
    She can see, now, in her mind’s eye, her mother’s smiling face. Gentle, warm, welcoming. Her mother always smelled like sugar and wet clay, and had always been strangely comforting to her. In her memory, her mother stops whatever it was she had been working on and turns to offer her a hug. Her arms and hands are covered in small, pale scars, but somehow that makes Azalee feel more confident -- as if her mother is strong enough to weather even the hardest world and still come back on top.
    I know why, Azalee answers herself, but still hesitates. She would have stopped me.
    She can see the devastation in her mother’s eyes, can hear her pleading in her mind.
    And I had to go. For both of us to survive.

  • @CrimsonQuill is my husband! Feel free to call him the Crimson Chin. He loves it. (I'm kidding, but do it anyway.) Also, as he took inspiration from my username, feel free to call him Quill 2.0.

    CrimsonQuill Please don't call me that. The first one, that is. I don't really care about the second one.

    Anyway, love you hun. <3

    Feb 21, 2017

    GoldenQuill BUT HE WAS A S U P E R H E R O

    Quill 2.0 is my favorite. I think we should legally change your name to Quill 2.0.

    Feb 21, 2017

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  • Will get to reviews later, when my hands aren't killing me! I've spent a lot of time plotting intricacies about the planet in my story. Really excited to share them all with you! ALSO, my husband and I are planning on putting up a joint story on here! Wondering how best to put it up and format it, but I'm excited to get started with it anyway!

  • Would anyone like anything reviewed?

    Iamawriter Me! The Crucifixion and Resurrection

    It's out of the green room and edited already but why not?

    Feb 24, 2017

  • Wait, were we NOT following each other before? Laaaaaaaaaame.

  • So, with the chatroom and chatbar gone, what do we use here as a form of communication? Obviously there's PMing, but can someone explain the WriterFeedPad or whatever and the other forms that are being used?

    Rosendorn Wall posts. You can post messages on other people's walls and get responses either through replies or through somebody replying on your wall (aka, how to tell Rosey is old in YWS terms)
    Feb 20, 2017

    sheysse WFP is a place to cooperatively write you story with someone else, and there is a chat on the side.

    Sometimes I'll use Discord to talk with other members, since I find it pretty efficient. Assuming they have Discord.

    Feb 21, 2017

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  • Loving the name change!

    GoldenQuill Thank you so much! I'm so glad it's back! ❤
    Feb 20, 2017

  • GoldenQuill This (and you) is (are) amazing! :mrgreen:
    Feb 20, 2017

    sheysse Thank you (and you are too)! :D
    Feb 20, 2017

  • I am back! GoldenQuill again! Huzzah! Glorious day!

    sheysse Hooray!
    Feb 20, 2017

  • Years ago, I was friends with an admin on here. My original name was 'GoldenQuill' on this website, and I was known by that. Unfortunately, I didn't like the nicknames at the time -- GQ, Golden, Quill, the like -- and decided to change it to ZlyWilk, which means "Bad Wolf" in Polish. It's a Doctor Who reference. I was asked very seriously, "Are you sure you want to change your name? You can't be flipflopping around!" and I was positive! Well, now I dislike Doctor Who, and GoldenQuill is a cool name! My profile even has a golden quill in it! I should've never given it up.

    sheysse Can't you change your name every six months?
    Feb 20, 2017

    GoldenQuill @Sheyren I CAN? HOW?
    Feb 20, 2017

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If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
— Oscar Wilde