I am honastly thinking about combining Eagle Talon Books one and two, into one book to make it longer, and more exiting. What do you think about it, should i combine them or leave them as they are? I'm not going to do anything about it until I get some responses...
Ghost42 (disregard this post)
Dec 7, 2011
We battle with monsters, thus we are condsiderd monsters. We gaze for long into the abyss to see the future, a gift that can only be recived by doing so. (from my insperational speech, reference to the quote, Battle not with monsters less ye become a monster. And if you gaze for long into the abyss the abyss gazes also into you)
If you've been impatiantly waiting for the 2nd book of Eagle Talon to come out this is an important post to you! I am almost finished with Eagle Talon Book 2: A Deadly Adventure, is almost here!! I expect it to be done in possibly five weeks, depends on if I get stuck... again....
Ghost42 (after the title of the book where it says is I meant to put it's)
Sep 22, 2011
I'm at a stand still, I've come to a part in my book where I just don't know what to do...
servant4christ Happens to me all the time just write a short story about something else...but put some heart into the characters and then that will help get your creative juices flowing
Aug 15, 2011
Ghost42 cool thanks for the advice
Aug 15, 2011
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Be sure to check out my book, Eagle Talon Book1: A Threat Arises, and my poem, Free As a Stallion am I. Don't forget to reveiw and let me know how I can do better!
Dec 9, 2011