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Young Writers Society


  • I'm thinking about setting up a (kind of) ARG. Would anyone be interested in playing one?
    Spoiler! :
    An ARG (alternate reality game) is a fun kind of game where the internet (or real world) is the entire platform, and the players have to work together to find clues to piece together the narrative. If this goes ahead, player's choices will affect the outcome.

    Love Obviously ^_^
    Jul 13, 2014

    Gardevite Nice! I'm working on it now, so hopefully there'll be a bit more interest ! ^_^

    *to anyone considering joining* it's basically going to be a giant scavenger hunt across social media (like blogs, Twitter accounts, emails etc.) but instead of answering questions, you'll be piecing a story together! ^_^

    Jul 13, 2014

  • ChangeTheWorld
    Jul 12, 2014

    very true my friend. You are a wise one :)

  • If SnK gifts are being added, I think this should be a strong contender:
    Spoiler! :

  • Fun thing to try:
    Spoiler! :
    4 cups of water
    I cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
    The juice of one lime
    1 cup of sugar

    Dissolve the sugar in one cup of water in a saucepan over a low heat. When it's dissolved, leave it to cool. Mix the cool sugar-water mixture with the fruit juice and other cups of water. Add a lot of ice! It's really nice if you love sweet things. Add more lime juice if you don't want it as sweet. Enjoy summer with an (albeit strange) refreshing drink!

  • manisha
    Jul 8, 2014

    Happy YWSiversary!!

    Gardevite Thank you Mish!! :)
    Jul 8, 2014

  • ThereseCricket
    Jul 8, 2014

    Happy YWS anniversary!!!

    Gardevite Thank you!! :)
    Jul 8, 2014


    Gardevite Thank you Reise!! :)
    Jul 8, 2014

  • Happy YWSiversary! :D

    Gardevite Thank you Deanie!! :)
    Jul 8, 2014

  • ShakespeareWallah
    Jul 8, 2014


    Gardevite CAKKKKKEEEE
    Jul 8, 2014

  • Happy Cake Day!! *throws silvery glitter*

    Gardevite Thank you!! :)
    Jul 8, 2014


    Gardevite Image

    Thank you Veeren! :)

    Jul 7, 2014

    veeren xD no problemo
    Jul 8, 2014

  • Happy YWSiversary!
    I'm so glad you decided to stick around and bring us all your awesomeness. Thanks for being a wonderful person. ^_^

    Gardevite Ahhh Thanks! <3 You're wonder too, Fort. ^_^
    Jul 7, 2014

  • Happy CAKE DAY!

    Gardevite Thank you!! :)
    Jul 7, 2014

  • TriSARAHtops
    Jul 7, 2014


    For some reason I thought you'd been on the site for longer than me. o.o Apparently not. :-)

    Gardevite Thank you! :)
    Jul 7, 2014

  • Today marks one year since a slightly younger Hightop wrote an angsty poem, and decided to post it here so others could see how special and deep it was. (it wasn't either >.>). I decided to stick around and made some great friends, and sorta started treating this place as a second home. I'm so happy that I stuck around.

    I look forward to many more years together, YWS. <3

    Skydreamer Happy cake dayyy!
    Jul 7, 2014

Forever is composed of nows.
— Emily Dickenson