Happy Birthday!
YWS now says you're 18.
It's still only 11:50 according to Alfred.
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RacheDrache ...Whoops, that's supposed to say 11:59.
Dec 29, 2010
Thank you very much for the review. But one thing though, the second POV in my story actually uses "you" to dictate the main character's actions. Not really using it for readers be doing the action. Hope you understand. ^^
DissolvedIntoCoffee Okay! That's understandable.
Them second person perspectives. Always throw me off.
I'm sorry if that totally negated a massive chunk of my review! I feel like I should go elaborate now...
Dec 27, 2010
Yuriiko No please! And I'm sorry for confusing you. lol
Dec 27, 2010
Hey, thanks for the review, Dissolved.
You didn't have to do it! xD Thanks a bunch though. When I get to editing the first part again, I'll definitely take what you advised into consideration.
Be sure to let me know anytime you need a review on anything.
DissolvedIntoCoffee No problem. I wanted to!
Dec 27, 2010
Sorry for the randomness, and I'm not stalking you, honestly, but you write really good reviews. I was just
stalkinglooking at some of them. I'm here to give you a high five because of their epicness.
*High fives*
DissolvedIntoCoffee That's not creepy at all-- it's really nice! =D Thank you!
*high fives back*
Dec 27, 2010
Sins Hehe
Dec 27, 2010
Thank you for managing to explain everything I was trying to explain and didn't manage to explain. All negotiations shall be left to you in the future.
I need your help on the Character vs. Plot Driven thread. Get yourself over there!
Thanks for the review (I know it was a few days ago; sorry about the lateness)! Yeah, I was waiting for someone to pick up on the Afghan war and African colonization thing. Actually, the latter was where I got the chaining-slaves-to-others-who-speak-different-languages thing.
And thanks about the nitpicks, when I have time on Saturday or something I'll definitely flesh out the diary. I think the problem is I only decided it would be a diary about half-way through the story.
Thanks for the review on my story! 'Tis much appreciated.
It wasn't a prompt--The idea just sort of fell into my head, I guess.
Hey Dissolved, I've been seeing you around and I really like the way you review. So hi! *waves*
Hey! I just felt like swinging by and saying that I love your username! (And that cool dancing banana avatar!)
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Dec 29, 2010