- 11 reviews • Page 1 of 1
Novel / Chapter » Realistic, Dramatic
Re: Anticlimactic Monochrome Scenery ||| Break My Heart: Burned Edition
Hello there, Despondence dropping in for a quick review! I'm going to start with your strong points. First off, even though this was extremely short for a first chapter, you ...
Nov 29, 2015
Hiya, Despondence stopping by for a review :3 Hmm... Very interesting short you got here. I rather enjoy the concept you have of a woman attempting to escape from a ...
Jun 5, 2015
Hello~ Dropping in for a review! ^^ Positives first! Your concept made for a rather good twist at the end, and it made me chuckle a bit for some reason. ...
Jun 1, 2015
Hello there! Dropping in for a review :3 Starting with your positives, you captured the scene of what it was like to be a slave very well. From how hard ...
Jun 1, 2015
Hiya~ :3 Oh gosh, where do I begin... There was a lot of things to like here! Your description and telling of all the events were smooth as silk, and ...
May 24, 2015
Hello there! I'll be dropping in for a review on your work here. Now, first off, you have a lot of potential here, but I feel like just a few ...
May 24, 2015
Ahh, I really like this piece... How you were talking to those who over-analyze poets, even the personal choices they make. How poets don't always have the best lives, and ...
May 15, 2015
Hiya! I really like this poem! It was simple, fairly short, but it left me with a feeling of freedom, or longing to stare at the stars in the night ...
May 14, 2015
Going with the positives first, this poem was really great! I liked how you presented everything, set the mood perfectly. And with the interpretation that children crying are much like ...
May 13, 2015
Starting out with some positives, you seem to have a good idea here, but it was so short that it didn't keep me invested long enough. It seemed your shortness ...
May 13, 2015
First off, I really like your writing style! I clung to the end of every sentence and kept going, waiting to see what would be done. Despite this being short, ...
May 13, 2015
- 11 reviews • Page 1 of 1