Are you painfully behind on your NovMo goals??
Me too!
Come join me in the Mid-NovMo Panic Pad and try to play catch-up!
I'll be in and out all weekend trying to cut into my ✨significant✨ deficit, and I'll happily word war, sprint, or encourage anyone else trying to get some writing done this weekend
(non NovMo people welcome too) <3
LadyMysterio <33333333333
Nov 8, 2024
BluesClues <333
Nov 8, 2024
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lol was going to record the latest pattern dance (figure skating) I've been working on and submit it for judging on Friday. until I caught one of the hooks on my skate on the laces of my other skate and fell ✨hard✨ on my knee yesterday. now I have a beautiful bruised goose egg on my knee and I've been limping around ever since! probably won't be able to skate at all this week (I usually skate 4-5x a week)
premature blessings to my massage therapist who will be thrilled to hear about this on tuesday and then fix everything <3
(my hypochondriasis did try to convince me that I tore a ligament or meniscus but I'm 99% sure I can rule that out, so i'm going to say this is my third-worst injury since I started adult skating 4 years ago!)
winterwolf0100 I have been on Stephen Colbert so many times in my dreams 😔
Oct 11, 2024
It's October, which means it's time to get excited about writing 50,000 words in one month again!!!
NaNoWriMo (NaNo) is now called Novel Month (NovMo)info thread explaining why coming soon
The "pure" version of NovMo is to start writing a brand new book on November 1st and write 50,000 words of said book in November. Come write a novel in a month with us!! I promise it's fun!!
*If 1667 words a day doesn't work for you - come up with a different goal!
*If you want to write short stories, a screenplay, or something other than a novel - fine!
*If you have a bunch of ideas and you want to bounce around - do your thing!
*It doesn't have to be good.
*You don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to.
I'm working on something brand new for a change and I can't wait to cheer you on! <3
redcarnation Sooo excited:D
Oct 5, 2024
khushi17bansal *sigh* clat..... cant participate..... *sobs*
Oct 6, 2024
finishing this revision?? 😭😭😭😭😭
analyzing each word and emoji in the latest exchange between my friend and the guy she likes?? 😍😍😍😍😍i write romance novels for a reason
chrysanthemumcentury SOBS
Sep 14, 2024
Elektra I love this xD
Sep 14, 2024
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The face of a gal who went in her pet taxi with zero argument and who was complimented by the vet for being so good and polite during her checkup 😇😇
(She scratched the vet last time 😇)
This is Hayley the bunny if you haven’t met her before!!
EllieMae Oh my goodness, she is adorable!!!
Sep 10, 2024
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it's just me and this knot in my back against the world <3
the knot is from figure skating & i will learn nothing and continue to skate as much as possible <3my massage therapist's elbow is going to fix everything on tuesday <3
EllieMae same!!!!!
Sep 4, 2024
LadyMysterio ooh maybe i should
Sep 4, 2024
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The plot of my book (bunny rom com) is playing out in real time again!
I learned over the weekend that Petco has decided to reverse an earlier promise to not sell rabbits in store, and they will now be selling baby bunnies in store.
This is bad.
* Bunnies live 10+ years.
* Bunnies need large enclosures and time to play outside of their enclosure daily. (NOT outside hutches and NOT anything they sell for rabbits in pet stores).
* Bunnies need enrichment or they will eat your carpet, your baseboards, your door frames, and anything else they want. (and even with enrichment they still might eat all sorts of bad things).
* Bunnies need specialized vet care. They need a vaccine for a deadly virus (referred to as "bunny ebola") with a yearly booster.
* Bunnies need a very specific diet so you don't ruin their teeth and their digestive systems.
* Bunnies need daily socialization with a human or a bunny friend.
Don't get me wrong, they are WONDERFUL pets. Highly, highly recommend. But bunnies aren't the kind of pet to get on a whim. Please do your research. They deserve better.
DO NOT BUY A BUNNY FROM PETCO OR ANY PET STORE. I know they're cute. Oh my GOSH they're cute.
I promise you that there is at least one bunny rescue in your area that would LOVE to help get you set up to adopt one of their bunnies and save a life.
I've had bunnies for over 11 years now -- Neville the bunny & Hayley the bunny <3 <3 I'm ALWAYS happy to talk bunnies to anyone interested in getting one/knowing more about them in general.
And if you're feeling bold and want to send an email to Petco ethics -- I've got a template from one of my bunny groups I'd be happy to share along with the right email!I need an agent and then an editor to love bunny rom com as much as I do so I can publish it and then assemble my bunny saving army to take over the world.
IcyFlame I don't think my email would mean anything coming from a different country, but I hope nobody buys any from them and it becomes a really stupid business decision for Petco!
Sep 3, 2024
I've been working on my autumn novel with autumn ambience videos playing on youtube for so long I tricked myself into believing it's crisp outside on this dreary day.
Imagine my surprise when I went outside and realized that it's still in fact 80°F and it's only october in my book.
Snoink You should stop by here, lol. Our pumpkins have turned bright orange...
Aug 31, 2024
Kaia It's 90s here. When will fall comeeee??
Aug 31, 2024
fell asleep to a thunderstorm, slept for 10 hours, woke up to it still rainy, and it's a three day weekend.
I will now take over the world.
thank you.
Nov 15, 2024
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