shiney1 Patience...
Mar 1, 2012
Hey every one!!!! Check out my new blog!! It is not YWS...
Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A ... QE3jVbc7sg
GeeLyria Hahaha... I didn't see this. <3 You're welcome! And I LOVE THE AVATAR! :O
Aug 16, 2011
Sorry I have not been on for a while... my server was acting weird, but I am back!
Bunty6 You are welcome!
Jul 8, 2011
No problem. If it had been someone close to me, I would have done the same thing. Thanks for understanding.
I'm very sorry if you were offended by my post.
In fact, I agreed with her blog. That girl had no right to draw on her, and she did not deserve to be called a homophobe when she refused.
The only reason I mention her blog at all is because of the reaction it caused. This is in no way an attack on that author, who I'm sure is a very nice person, nor is it a continuation of the topic. I'm not saying she hates gays, either.
In my opinion, the blog was necessary -- there were so many people that posted very understanding and loving things, and I felt as though these people needed to hear that what they're saying is truly appreciated. And that's all my blog is. Not an argument, not a rebuttal. Just a thank-you note.
Again, I apologize if I offended you or your friend.
Bunty6 I am done, i am waiting to be picked up.
Jun 29, 2011
Bunty6 i just got on.
Jun 29, 2011
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Feb 29, 2012