I leave this website with no intention of ever coming back and I get an email that says I have three replies to one of my old topics...
Dang it, YWSers! :p
Well, I suppose this is goodbye my fellow YWS-ers. Nothing's wrong, it's just I'm not very active (posting wise) and I've kind of lost interest here. Plus, lately I haven't been writing as much due to life problems and I'm pursuing my love for art.
I'll still be on the NaNoWriMo website and my dA (under the same username on both sites). I have just lost all interest in this site. Although I will admit that I have learned a lot here, and I shall cherish that knowledge.
I may one day return to get some critique when I feel like it. Well, that's all! Bye!
Just saw Insurgence. I was never into the Divergent series, so don't hate me for saying this but...
Is it just me, or is that whole series the child of Hunger Games, The Giver, and Maze Runner mixed together?
XPresidentTurtlesX Ah, those types of things are always cliche and not very original...
I'm into the Divergent series, but it is very like a lot of the new and older series that fall under the popular teen novels.
Apr 12, 2015
AttackOfTheFlash Yeah, they all have the same plot and characters. Regular girl who deviates from her distopian society, falls in love with some boy, and together they overtake the government. Ugh.
I think it's time for the theme in teen novels to change!
Apr 12, 2015
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Well. I swallowed my doubts and wrote some poetry. Being my first "serious" poem, it needs help. Check it out!
I haven't done this in a looooooooooooong time, but here's the updates on #15in15 since my last one in February.
A few weeks ago in March I wrote a little sci-fi thing.
Yesterday I began my Camp NaNoWriMo project.
And today I'm continuing, and will do so every day I possibly can this week.
Camp NaNo and NaPoWriMo both start today. Best of luck to all participating!
Someone on the FOT tournament accidentally called me "AttackOfTheFlesh."
I'm a zombie I suppose. XD
Well, after writing like a maniac for two hours straight I finally got my Found Object Tournament story done! It was very good practice and it has inspired me to write more. ^^
If I wrote a poem would anyone be interested in reviewing it to help me out? I've only written, like, ten poems in my entire writing "career." I need help being poetic.
It's spring! (At least here in America) Time to change my background and banner to bright springy colors instead of wintery blues. Oh, and I have a character named Spring so I will probably change my avatar to her as well.
I swear, I am so indecisive when it comes to avatars.
Pretzelstick Same here, I am so indecisive with avatars, I just changed it to this new one and I am still not sure, although I am getting used to it!
Mar 20, 2015
AttackOfTheFlash I can never make up my mind! Lol
Mar 20, 2015
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I was mentioned on Squills again. Yay. <3
I've got sci-fi short story in the works. I usually don't like sci-fi but I'll end up having two short stories with that genre.
Oh, and it might be the last thing I post for a while. Camp NaNo is next month and I'll be busy with that. Although if I'm confident in it I might just post some here.
Which sounds better: angels, zombies, or other fantasy creatures?
I'm trying to figure out what to write.
Pretzelstick Angels definitely, or better yet: fairies (I love them) <3
Mar 8, 2015
AttackOfTheFlash Thanks for the input! I'll see if anyone else says anything before I decide which story to write.
Mar 8, 2015
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Question: How does one move works in your portfolio to another folder? Whenever I get over his horrible writer's block I plan on writing revised versions of a couple of my works so I would want to move the older, unedited versions to another folder.
r4p17 You simply got to the second stage of publishing a work and select the folder in which you want it. I think you have to go to the editing part and then save the changes. An option will then show up to edit the options of the work.
Mar 3, 2015
AttackOfTheFlash Thank you so much!!
Mar 3, 2015
Mea It technically did, but a lot of us are still going for the fun of it. XD
Mar 2, 2015
AttackOfTheFlash I see. I might still do it then. :3
Mar 2, 2015
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May 18, 2015
I don't get on this website anymore, so if you can, please don't post on my forums, tag, or follow me. I get emails once a week about that stuff, and it's not helpful to see emails saying someone commented on something of mine because of course I'm going to see what they said! :p
Farewell again.