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  • Wooohooo!!! So excited to have my poem Connect the Dots in the literary spotlight. :) Thank you to everyone who liked it.

  • Ashkitten83
    May 17, 2015

    Check out my tragic love story, The Secret of the Flutterby

  • We as writers are weavers of words. Our words need to flow effortlessly through the loom of our fingers to the page. From there they will be appreciated by the readers eyes and the quilt of our story will blanket their hearts.

  • hello, I'm a noob to yes so go easy on me! :)

    WindSailor Welcome to YWS! You will love it here. If you have any questions feel free to message me or anyone with these colors in their name: Junior moderator
    Global moderator

    Apr 3, 2015

    Ashkitten83 Thank you, that's comforting.
    Apr 3, 2015

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
— Walt Disney