Gah, I wish. I haven't really been writing anything too big lately...but I plan to come summer.
ehte92 Woopie!!!
Jun 12, 2011
322sivart one review down today...
Jun 12, 2011
You did such a great job reviewing a couple of my pieces. Would you mind reviewing a couple more? Pretty please?
Hey YWS, looks like I might come back for a visit tonight. It's good to be back.
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around fora while. Well, I'm currently being drowned and suffocated underneath a massive pile of schoolwork, so it looks like my inactiveness might last a while longer. Best wishes to all of you here at YWS, and I'll try to be back soon!
Kafkaescence is tapping his foot impatiently
Mar 29, 2011
MUCHO Yah, school sucks!
May 29, 2011
I just posted chapter three of my new novel and you seemed to like chapter two, so I would be forever gratefull if you dropped by and gave chapter three a review heres the link if you dont mind topic77710.html please and thank you
You're just an old person trying to get into Heaven now! And you are really inspiring...yah.
amiemalamie Bumped
Mar 13, 2011
Mar 13, 2011
Jun 15, 2011