I think you have a good start and yes, I am looking forward to reading more of it :wink:
Just PM me when you post more! :D
Wow, you are WAY ahead of me on that department. My book is only 125 pages long but I'm not yet done.
I see that you have posted a new chapter and I am off to read it! :D Thanks for letting me know!
OOH Okay, tonight (after the pounds of homework)
I promise to read your second chapter. Sorry for the delay.
I bought my halloween costume today (Gothic nymph)
So i didnt get to do anything right after school
Your reviews are great.
One thing on the last part, you said i was missing the last set of quotes.
Well, the thing is, when rambling on for more than six lines, you can start a new paragraph, but still be in the same quotes. You dont end the quotes, but start them again. i know, confusing. But what about writing isnt? haha
Thanks for reading!!
Its good enough to be a book u should check out a small publishing company...might take a few trys to actually get them to read it (about 50)
but its book matieral from what i read andd is the book going to be a story about the girl (her life,school,and experiences) or is she going to envelped into another world?
Hey thanks for letting me know.
I have to go to bed now, But ill get to it tomorrow after school
If you want to do me a favor and check out my novel..
Its 24 chatpers at the moment.
its called Untouched
its a vampire story
If you want
Totally up to you
Hey, JessicaB!
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi:
and to just say that I am now going to check out your vampire stories. Thanks for leaving that ad on my page :wink:
If you ever need anything else reviewed or just want to chat, leave a message on my page or PM me!
No problemo
But, i have to go to bed now.
I will deffinitly get to them tomorrow after school.
No problem.
I'll take a look at them later this afternoon.
At the moment, I'm working on my second to last chapter of my novel.
I'm kinda excited to finish it.
*signs with a magic marker* hahaha! I SHALL ONE DAY RULE THE WORLD WITH THIS MARKER! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! aghm....welcome young grasshopper....I have always wanted to say that!
Oct 25, 2008
Havent talked to you in while
Whats new?
Well im done with untouched and moving on
I posted two parts to a new story
its called My letter
wanna check it out for me
they are short