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  • jasmine12
    Oct 25, 2008

    Hey Jessica
    Havent talked to you in while
    Whats new?

    Well im done with untouched and moving on
    I posted two parts to a new story
    its called My letter
    wanna check it out for me
    they are short


  • ashleylee
    Oct 17, 2008

    I think you have a good start and yes, I am looking forward to reading more of it :wink:

    Just PM me when you post more! :D


  • ashleylee
    Oct 16, 2008

    Wow, you are WAY ahead of me on that department. My book is only 125 pages long but I'm not yet done.

    I see that you have posted a new chapter and I am off to read it! :D Thanks for letting me know!


  • jasmine12
    Oct 15, 2008


    OOH Okay, tonight (after the pounds of homework)
    I promise to read your second chapter. Sorry for the delay.
    I bought my halloween costume today (Gothic nymph)
    So i didnt get to do anything right after school


  • jasmine12
    Oct 15, 2008

    Your reviews are great.
    One thing on the last part, you said i was missing the last set of quotes.
    Well, the thing is, when rambling on for more than six lines, you can start a new paragraph, but still be in the same quotes. You dont end the quotes, but start them again. i know, confusing. But what about writing isnt? haha

    Thanks for reading!!

  • Its good enough to be a book u should check out a small publishing company...might take a few trys to actually get them to read it (about 50)
    but its book matieral from what i read andd is the book going to be a story about the girl (her life,school,and experiences) or is she going to envelped into another world?

  • jasmine12
    Oct 14, 2008

    Hey thanks for letting me know.
    I have to go to bed now, But ill get to it tomorrow after school

    If you want to do me a favor and check out my novel..
    Its 24 chatpers at the moment.
    its called Untouched
    its a vampire story
    If you want
    Totally up to you



  • ashleylee
    Oct 14, 2008

    Hey, JessicaB!

    Just wanted to stop by and say Hi:


    and to just say that I am now going to check out your vampire stories. Thanks for leaving that ad on my page :wink:

    If you ever need anything else reviewed or just want to chat, leave a message on my page or PM me!


  • jasmine12
    Oct 13, 2008

    No problemo

    But, i have to go to bed now.
    I will deffinitly get to them tomorrow after school.


  • jasmine12
    Oct 13, 2008

    No problem.
    I'll take a look at them later this afternoon.

    At the moment, I'm working on my second to last chapter of my novel.
    I'm kinda excited to finish it.

  • jasmine12
    Oct 13, 2008

    I liked it. Yes it was very good.
    I couldnt put it down when i got it.

  • Silent music
    Oct 12, 2008

    *signs with a magic marker* hahaha! I SHALL ONE DAY RULE THE WORLD WITH THIS MARKER! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! aghm....welcome young grasshopper....I have always wanted to say that!

In a dream you are never eighty.
— Anne Sexton