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  • akanbright
    Feb 26, 2021

    nice work you ve got there buddy.

  • Happy birthday!!

  • momonster
    Sep 27, 2020

    happy birthday!

  • Mageheart
    Sep 27, 2020

    Happy birthday! 🎉

  • Hkumar
    Sep 27, 2020

    Happy birthday 😄

  • polishcommonwealth
    Apr 12, 2020

    Christ is Risen! Indeed he is Risen!
    Christos Voskrese! Voistinnue Voskrese!
    Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!

    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!
    Christ is Risen from the Dead, by death he trampled Death, and to those in the tombs he granted life!

    Christ is Risen! Indeed he is Risen!
    Christos Voskrese! Voistinnue Voskrese!
    Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!


  • polishcommonwealth
    Apr 11, 2020

    The Noble Joseph took down your most pure body down from the cross, and wrapping it with a clean shroud, and anointing it with fine spices, laid it in burial in a new tomb.

    --Troparion for Holy and Great Saturday

  • polishcommonwealth
    Mar 30, 2020

    Yolo, y'all! So then, my Polish story is on hold for the momo-ent. Why, you may ask? Well, for one thing, I'm a bit stuck with the romantic part. Two, I have this reeeaaalllyyy cool new fantasy idea. So I'm going to tag everybody interested in the old story Just so that they know what's going on.


    Not saying the Polish story is done. It's not dying. Hopefully if I'm stuck on the fantasy story, I'll go back to the Polish story.
    Thank you!

  • Hello, Y'all! I have my third Chapter. I renamed it "Beauty and Death." Tell me if you have a better name for it.


  • Hey @Hedwiggle! So it took me a pretty long time to find my second chapter. I couldn't find it in the green room, for whatever reason. But my first chapter, if you go down enough, is. Then when you click on that, on a side panel will show related topics. There is my second chapter. All work on fixing the problem.

    Lib Oh! I actually already found it from your portfolio. ^^" Thanks though! <3
    Mar 11, 2020

  • Hello! I just posted my new Chapter on an Alternate History of Poland and Turkey. Enjoy!


  • Thanks for the follow back!

    polishcommonwealth Your Welcome!
    Mar 5, 2020

  • Hello, y'all! I'm going to take a hold on my story for a bit. Why, you may ask? Cause I'm stuck. Instead I MAY write about different historical events with fictional characters. Perhaps. May take a while. I dunno. Kind of on a hold on writing write now. Write? Left. Down, Up.

  • Necromancer14
    Feb 25, 2020

    Thanks for the follow! And welcome to YWS.

As ideas are always better than their execution, so too must dough taste better than cookies.
— Horisun