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  • ask about how cute my fucking toad is

    sylrie How cute is your toad?
    Sep 18, 2019

    fatherfig Yeah.... What Rie said. XD
    Sep 18, 2019

    toaddad @Riellehn @26Gemini so!!! hes chunky but tiny
    Sep 18, 2019

    sylrie Omg that is adorable
    Sep 18, 2019

    fatherfig Awe!
    Sep 18, 2019

As the notifications drift in I stop and wonder. Why do they take so long? Do they have adventures we don't know about? I bet they do. When they come I will ask myself. What amazing adventure has this straggling notification been on? How far did it travel, and why didn't it take me?
— TypoWithoutCoffee