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we are all figs here

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  • the coffee beside me
    that i made in a rush
    has sat quietly for two hours
    the assignment i'm trying to do
    has seen barely a click
    the rampage inside of me
    is making me sick
    the temptress anxiety
    she sits and she sits
    on top of my chest
    as pretty as red brick
    the glassware depression
    it shines in my teeth
    i'm always cleaning it gently
    waxing it as it makes me bleed
    i tried to eat the glass pitcher
    because it held more than i could ever have
    jealousy is like a papercut over an artery
    it takes everything from you
    and you can't miss what you had
    because you're too busy burning alive
    and bleeding out


Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.
— Holden Caulfield