Avast! I have not yet signed your guestbook though you have found your way into my "Friends List". I shall now rectify this unbearable calamity!
*Signs book with a paint roller and tips bucket over, making a huge mess.*
:oops: Oops.
*Tries to kick bucket off of his foot, hopping madly on the remaining foot.*
*Fails to do so and ends up falling out of the 2nd story window*
Ramdomly obnoxious kid :arrow: :smt038 "Nice job, X-lax"
*Doesn't put up with that kind of crap*
"TAKE THIS, JERK!" :smt068 :thud:
Everyone is happy that Scotty has ended the "Jerk-wad threat
Apr 10, 2008
I was here. At this page. I'm not anymore. Goodbye.