Hello everyone! Just published the second chapter of Kadence's story! You can read it here: Axylia — Kadence (2)
If you haven't read the previous chapter and don't want to, there's a brief summary of it at the beginning that tells you all you need to know.
I just published the first chapter of Elia's story in Axylia! Please go check it out!
Just to explain some things, basically how this all works is that Axylia is the title of the actual novel, but as there are so many POV characters I'm splitting it up. You don't need to read all of them to understand each other! Just to explain, here's when the stories intersect (Elia is the main character, so I'll explain where the others meet her.)
Anwen: at the very beginning
Merida: about a third of the way through
Kadence: about two-thirds through
Charla: about four-fifths through
i'm laughing so hard
i'm going through my first draft and editing and i came across the one moment in which it's revealed that the main antagonist is a shape shifter
it's a thing for like two pages and then apparently i forgot about it because it is never addressed again!
night all! pretty please check out the (heavily revised) first chapter of Axylia? It's right here: Axylia 1.01 .
thanks everyone! love you all <3
i'm rewriting the first chapter of Axylia after receiving reviews and it's very different but it's also so much better like wow i love writing
maisewriting aye no problem
Jan 1, 2017
maisewriting thank you!
Jan 1, 2017
Mageheart You're welcome!
Jan 2, 2017
maisewriting thanks!
Jan 1, 2017
maisewriting thank you!
Jan 1, 2017
maisewriting thanks!
Jan 1, 2017
Hi and welcome to YWS! I'm Mage! If you ever have any questions, feel free to come to me! ^_^
Here's some helpful parts of YWS that can help you understand how things work on the site:
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If I can't answer your questions, or I'm not on when you have one, you can always ask the users whose names are in green (moderators) or red (administrators). Other users would be happy to help as well! ^_^
What type of things do you like to write? I write fantasy novels that are sometimes also mysteries, and enjoy writing realistic fiction short stories.
Also, since this a really fun question to ask, where did you get your username from?
maisewriting i actually made a typo while making my username, oops! it should be maisiewriting, because maisie is one of my many nicknames and of course, i'm writing. but i quite like what i turned out with!
Dec 31, 2016
Mageheart If you ever want a name change, you could ask one of the global moderators (whose names are in dark green) or administrators to change it for you. ^_^
Jan 1, 2017
Oct 13, 2017