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  • Hi everyone!! Hope y'all having a good year so far. Haven't been online in a while! That's bc I haven't been emotionally existing, haven't felt real or true emotions recently and so I've been taking a break from writing. I feel like the emotions are coming back which is good and bad as I will be able to write but I'll probably be depressed or sad all the time.

  • BraidenEllis
    Jul 29, 2016

    Thanks for following! :D

  • Hi, @Mage, how do you send gifts?

    Mageheart There's two ways to send gifts. The first is a lot more complicated. You can go to settings (that's the gear symbol), gifts, and then give a gift. The second way is a lot quicker. You can go to someone's wall and click on the green "give gift" option underneath their avatar.

    I hope this helped! :D

    Jul 27, 2016

    Fassie09 thanks :D
    Jul 28, 2016

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  • Mageheart
    Jul 22, 2016

    Thank you for following me! :D

  • Mageheart
    Jul 21, 2016

    Hi, @Fassie09 and welcome to YWS! I'm Mage! If you ever have any questions, feel free to come to me! :D

    Here's some helpful parts of YWS that can help you understand how things work on the site:

    Knowledge Base - YWS
    YWS Critique Sandwich

    If I can't answer your questions, or I'm not on when you have one, you can always the users whose names are in green (moderators) or red (administrators). Other users would be happy to help as well! :D

    Also, (because these are such fun questions to ask) how did you find out about YWS, and where did you get your username from?

Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.
— "Hamlet," William Shakespeare