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  • RockenMageSammy
    Jul 23, 2015

    Oh man, do I have a lot to do this week and next week and the whole month of August! Okay, I'm confusing you guys so let's backtrack a bit- I am in a Creative Writing summer class (best time of my life! :D) and I got to finish a short story in about a whole month before it gets published, actually published!!!!! Oh, and when I mean short story, I mean like 20-25 pages long and when I planned my whole entire story... uh.... I'm pretty sure it's going to go beyond 25 pages. I'm freaking out and excited at the same time. Like, what if I can't finish the whole thing in time? What if I missed one stupid mistake and I send it as a final draft? XP Okay, calm down Sam..... Maybe I can post like a few little sections of the story so you guys can help with the editing, but.... I'm not so sure.... At least the publishing is going to look good in my records. xD (I am so hyper this morning. This is why I never write in the morning.)

  • TheSilentBagpipe
    Jun 18, 2015

    *EVIL LAUGH* Welcome! Welcome!

    RockenMageSammy Uh.... welcome? Are you possessed? *wand ready to cast a spell to defend herself*
    Jun 21, 2015

    TheSilentBagpipe Probably hyper when I wrote this, now im tired lol I cant kill you with the energy in my body.... =P
    Jun 22, 2015

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  • steampowered
    Jun 14, 2015

    A belated welcome to YWS! Hope you're enjoying the site - it's good to see a new member being active! :D

    RockenMageSammy Thanks you so much! :D
    Jun 14, 2015

  • No wonder I can't think of something else to write..... MY LITTLE ANNOYING BROTHER IS SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF TO THAT LAME GAME OF HIS!!! *controls myself* He won't let me close my door which is bad because his room is directly next to my door..... And he said he wanted to "talk to me" when it is clearly said that he is talking to HIS GAME all the time! -__-

    EternalRain Uh, I hate that. One of the reasons little brothers can be super annoying.
    Jun 16, 2015

    RockenMageSammy I know right? -__- Do you have a little annoying brother?
    Jun 16, 2015

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  • wakarimasen
    Jun 13, 2015

    Welcome to YWS! :)

    RockenMageSammy Thank you. Man, am I getting a lot of welcomes. :D
    Jun 13, 2015

  • SkyeWalker
    Jun 13, 2015

    Hey! Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and feel free to ask me if you need anything! :D

    RockenMageSammy Hey thanks so much! I feel welcomed. :D
    Jun 13, 2015

  • Hey everyone! I'm new here and may need a bit of help to get everything working right. Anyway, I hope I have a great time writing stories and such and hope you guys like them. :D

    Kelpies Welcome to YWS! I'll answer questions if you have any :D
    Jun 12, 2015

    RockenMageSammy Thanks a lot! Appreciate it. :D
    Jun 12, 2015

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I sleep with reckless abandon!
— Link Neal