Come on some more, kay?
Craz Wuuuuuut. I have to go back Monday.
Aug 1, 2013
Noelle I have 21 days left...
Aug 1, 2013
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manisha Like the banner!
Jul 23, 2013
IngridClayre Thanks!
Jul 23, 2013
So... hot.. outside.....
The only thing that is keeping me alive are the copious amount of iced coffees, teas and lattes. I just sampled an iced chai tea latte recipe from pinterest (yes, I'm a pinaholic). Not too shabby. If anyone wants the recipe (i'd be surprised if anyone sees this post anyway) I'd be happy to share it.
veeren Don't worry, I see the post.
Jul 16, 2013
IngridClayre Did I ever say I wanted you off??
Jul 16, 2013
Craz That sounds.. Kind of creepy.
Jul 16, 2013
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Wow... Hello YWS! It's been a while! I just got done moving from one side of the country to the other- phew... that was a long car ride. It would have been more fun if we didn't have to children under ten, a neurotic Springer Spaniel, a one year old hound that had a tendency to vomit of motion sickness, and a lovely cat that liked to sing the chorus of every every EVERY song (to our dismay) along with peeing in his kennel outside his litter box.
I guess it just makes it... more..... uh.. interesting.. yeah that's the word. hahaha, it was fun though!!
Mmmm... Dark Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter frosting... is there anything in the world that's better? I should think not.
Post The Twelfth:
Post Of Insanity:
The Mildly Repulsive Post:
The Post Of Real Life:
All of these things are true. Just read it.
Apr 8, 2014