Is anyone out there in desperate need of a review? I'm beginning to feel as if my current approach (if you can even call it that, because 'approach' seems to imply the actual carrying out of the task XD) is slightly lacking. It just feels random -I'd like to make my reviewing a bit more pointed. So, if there's something you'd like reviewed, just ask?
(Note: I don't review poetry, as, unfortunately, I know nothing about it and thus can offer few pointers.)
Ephemeral You do indeed! Do I spy Benedict Cumberbatch? :p
Feb 16, 2013
Ack! I haven't been on this site in far, far too long! D: Truth be told, I almost forgot about it entirely -but I'm back now! C:
hudz96 WelCOme BACKK!!!!!!! *lavishes licks upon returner*
Nov 18, 2012
Ephemeral Thanks! I didn't draw it, though. It's a picture of my favourite character in an amazing webcomic by the name of Lackadaisy. Highly original -and the art is top-notch.
It is set during Prohibition during the 1920's, and revolves around a gang of gin-runners. And they're all cats.
His name is Mordecai Heller, and is copyrighted to Tracy Bulter -the author of the comic.
Mar 9, 2012
hudz96 WOW information overloadshimmer down on meh luv. LOL thats awesome though im going to go search her up.... uhm it IS a her right?
Mar 9, 2012
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The weather here is bizarre. At the beginning of the week, it was incredibly warm out. Sixteen degrees Celsius. Almost T-shirt weather.
Today, I woke up to a snowstorm. 0.o I waited for the bus for 45 minutes -and, in result, was 45 minutes late for school. I rush into the building, and find the whole school watching a movie in the gym. People were still missing. It took one of my teachers 2 hours to drive to the school. On a regular day, it takes her 20 minutes.
I am not exaggerating, I swear. And, by the time I got home, just about all the snow had melted. It's supposed to be 18 degrees Celsius on Sunday...
hudz96 Oh F.U.N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take me where you ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 9, 2012
thank you for the review! It helped a lot. I will certainly practice with the -ing form of words instead of starting sentences with an 'I'.
Ephemeral No problem! I'm glad to have helped! C:
Mar 9, 2012
Got back from Art Club at school... We were doing an abstract-thing, and I managed to fling paint all over the floor. The custodians will be out for my blood... D:
AliKat Well was it fun? You can tell the custodians that the teacher told you to do it.... even if they don't believe you. What's the abstract thing?
Mar 8, 2012
Ephemeral It was, indeed. xD Yes, I shall blame it all on the teacher -capitol idea.
The abstract thing? It was a lesson in the art of paint-splattering. Jackson Pollock-style. I was a tad... overenthusiastic.
Mar 8, 2012
May 24, 2015