Thanks for the comment, and I agree about that part being confusing...the forest's love is the part when she runs into the woods, and the trees are 'scary' with 'faces' trying to get her. She runs till she exhausts herself, and falls asleep. She later wakes up to a bunch of little animals with whom she chats, thus the baby dove.
Narnialover4ever1 Oh! that makes sense now!It was rly great!
Sep 27, 2011
I feel like I am going to like you...
You said you like my avatar, I like your avatar.
You say GO GRYFFINDOR! I would probably join you.
You say in "location": Roaming the woods of Narnia on horseback with Peter Pevensie. I had a crush on him when I was younger. BOTH the actor and the character (Oh, God).
---> We will be friends!
------> Best friends!
(in case you watched Charlie and the chocolatte factory (Johnny D. forever))
Narnialover4ever1The immature part of me has a celebrity crush on the actor who played Peter. JOHNNY DEPP RULEZ!!!
Sep 26, 2011
No problem at all! Glad I could help! Let me know anytime you need a review.
I won't be able to get on too much. I auditioned for a musical and got the main part. It involves a ton of work. That on top of school will be hectic.
But I will be back!
Blues Well done!
Sep 9, 2011
Narnialover4ever1 Thanks
Sep 8, 2011
Jan 20, 2022