You're welcome! (Also, nice shades! I've a small collection of sunglasses myself. I love sunglasses. And my favorite color's purple. So you're just all around my favorite.)
Wow, thanks so much for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, even if there was no Sarah in it. XD I'll try to come up with a better first line~
~This place is like Facebook, but not a stupid superficial place for people you don't care about to talk about what they had for lunch, and poke each other. Two thumbs way up.~
Oh, thanks! I never knew that!
And thanks so much for following!
BYW. Welcome to young writers society!
Thanks! I'm not sure how intensions/intentions is spelled. You may be right.
But as for the to, I was always tought that too with two "O's" Means as in also. And the other to with one "O" is for anything else. At least that's what I think.
Anyway. Thanks so so much!
I re4ally apreciate the review!
PS> I followed!
Aug 14, 2011