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  • OH, I didn't even notice that I mixed up the nbd, thanks for pointing that out!

  • Hey! Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for that review you left. It was really, really helpful. :D Once I finish editing chapter one, I'll have to put up the new version--and definitely give you a thanks in the A/N. Otherwise, I'm glad you liked the story so far and, yeah, I'll have to keep an eye out for things like you mentioned in the latter chapters. Also, if you need a review in the future? Just ask. ;) I know I might not be on the top of my game when it comes to my own first drafts, but I can be a bit of a Grammar Nazi and Book Snob otherwise so maybe I could help.

  • confetti
    Jul 31, 2011

    Thank you so much for the review! I'm going to go with most of your suggestions except a couple. But thanks again! It means a lot to me. And I'd be happy to review any of your stuff.

    smvanr I'm glad you found some of my comments useful! :) I'd be happy to review anything else of yours; you're an amazing writer. :D
    Just wondering, was the run-on sentence thing on purpose? Like how you had several sentences connected by a comma. I know I pointed it out in my review, but I'm kindof curious as to whether or not you weree actually doing it on purpose. ;D Anyways, keep up the writing! Hopefully I'll be able to start posting my own stuff too. (:

    Aug 1, 2011

    confetti AHa, thank you! And yeah, it was on purpose ;P
    Aug 1, 2011

  • BerlynnRae
    Jul 28, 2011

    Thanks for the follow :D but why may I ask are you following me?
    p.s. if your answer contains anything to do with the word "stalker" or "creeper" your my new best friend

    smvanr Hii, I'm Stef. (:
    I skimmed some of your writing (namely the short stories) and they look like stuff I wouldn't mind reading/reviewing. Some time in the future I'll probably come back and do just that hehe. Meantime you get a follow! And also I'm kindof new at this, so I'm still getting used to everything. Eventually that excuse will expire, but until then I'm using it for all it's worth. :3
    And what? Me? Creeper? Never! :O Just do us both a favor and don't look outside your window, mkay? ;)
    ~stef (:

    Jul 28, 2011

  • jordanfrankum
    Jul 28, 2011

    I really appreciate the advice. When I finally am able to re-live all the parts of the break-up, I will re-write the whole piece and add all the details. I'm usually a better writer, but that was a touchy subject...just a little too soon. Thank you!

    smvanr Yeah, I totally understand it being a difficult subject. Firsts are always the worst ;) but whenever you feel up to posting a re-write, just let me know and I can give you a hand. (:
    Jul 28, 2011

  • Thank you so much! That really helped! I knew there was something wrong there! I just couldn't find out what it was. You're right. That didn't make much sence. I'll fix that! Thanks a ton!

    smvanr Anytime (:
    Jul 27, 2011

  • Arisu2533
    Jul 27, 2011

    Thank you sooooo much for review my story. I really apreciate it! Also, welcome to YWS!

    smvanr Anytime (: and thank you!
    Jul 27, 2011

  • Tommybear
    Jul 21, 2011

    Thanks for very much for your review! and welcome to YWS :) i can already see that you'll be a great member!

    smvanr Thanks! :D
    I've been so busy ever since high school started that I really haven't been able to read/write anything like I used to do. So YWS is super exciting in that it's helping me get back into the swing of things. & I'd be happy to review anything you want me to; your writing is amazing. (:

    Jul 26, 2011

In the past I would definitely say who you would find inside. Not so much today. Place is bonkers …. As is everywhere
— Greg Specter