Hey! Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for that review you left. It was really, really helpful. Once I finish editing chapter one, I'll have to put up the new version--and definitely give you a thanks in the A/N. Otherwise, I'm glad you liked the story so far and, yeah, I'll have to keep an eye out for things like you mentioned in the latter chapters. Also, if you need a review in the future? Just ask. I know I might not be on the top of my game when it comes to my own first drafts, but I can be a bit of a Grammar Nazi and Book Snob otherwise so maybe I could help.
Thank you so much for the review! I'm going to go with most of your suggestions except a couple. But thanks again! It means a lot to me. And I'd be happy to review any of your stuff.
smvanr I'm glad you found some of my comments useful! I'd be happy to review anything else of yours; you're an amazing writer.
Just wondering, was the run-on sentence thing on purpose? Like how you had several sentences connected by a comma. I know I pointed it out in my review, but I'm kindof curious as to whether or not you weree actually doing it on purpose. ;D Anyways, keep up the writing! Hopefully I'll be able to start posting my own stuff too.
Aug 1, 2011
confetti AHa, thank you! And yeah, it was on purpose ;P
Aug 1, 2011
Thanks for the follow but why may I ask are you following me?
p.s. if your answer contains anything to do with the word "stalker" or "creeper" your my new best friend
smvanr Hii, I'm Stef.
I skimmed some of your writing (namely the short stories) and they look like stuff I wouldn't mind reading/reviewing. Some time in the future I'll probably come back and do just that hehe. Meantime you get a follow! And also I'm kindof new at this, so I'm still getting used to everything. Eventually that excuse will expire, but until then I'm using it for all it's worth. :3
And what? Me? Creeper? Never! :O Just do us both a favor and don't look outside your window, mkay?
Jul 28, 2011
I really appreciate the advice. When I finally am able to re-live all the parts of the break-up, I will re-write the whole piece and add all the details. I'm usually a better writer, but that was a touchy subject...just a little too soon. Thank you!
smvanr Yeah, I totally understand it being a difficult subject. Firsts are always the worst but whenever you feel up to posting a re-write, just let me know and I can give you a hand.
Jul 28, 2011
Thank you so much! That really helped! I knew there was something wrong there! I just couldn't find out what it was. You're right. That didn't make much sence. I'll fix that! Thanks a ton!
smvanr Anytime
Jul 27, 2011
Thank you sooooo much for review my story. I really apreciate it! Also, welcome to YWS!
smvanr Anytime and thank you!
Jul 27, 2011
Thanks for very much for your review! and welcome to YWS i can already see that you'll be a great member!
smvanr Thanks!
I've been so busy ever since high school started that I really haven't been able to read/write anything like I used to do. So YWS is super exciting in that it's helping me get back into the swing of things. & I'd be happy to review anything you want me to; your writing is amazing.
Jul 26, 2011
Aug 1, 2011