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Young Writers Society


  • Spearmint
    Nov 1, 2023


    Hiya lateseptember, welcome to YWS! ^-^ This is a wonderful place for readers, writers, poets, roleplayers, and just people in general, and we're thrilled you're here! Here are some quick links you might want to check out:

    FAQ for New Users This post lists the basics of publishing and reviewing works on YWS.
    Official YWS Rules & Guides Here are our site rules. Essentially, please be a decent person and be considerate of others. :]
    Knowledge Base This is a treasure trove of helpful articles about poetry, writing, reviewing, and more. One useful thread is the Big Book of YWS Codes, which is a guide to the bbcode that you can use on YWS to add colors, images, and more! Plus, see the list of icons (like ) here and the list of smilies (like :smt003 and :daddarth) here.

    Along with reviewing other ywsers' works and publishing your own works, you can have some fun in the Randomosity forums, join a roleplay, hang out on the People tab, or just explore the site. And of course, feel free to ask me or any moderator (junior or global) any questions you have! (You can hit the little black arrow below this post to reply right now.) I hope you'll like it here! =D


  • IcyFlame
    Oct 31, 2023

    Hello and welcome to YWS! I'm Icy, one of the Global Moderators on the site. Feel free to come to me if you ever have any questions about YWS. You can click the reply button below this message or if you prefer, click on my username and that will take you to my profile. From there, you can leave a message on my wall or send me a PM (to the right under my avatar). If I'm ever not around, junior moderators , global moderators and admins would definitely be able to help you out with any questions or concerns you might have, and you'll find that your fellow members would be happy to help as well.

    In your journey to get acquainted with the site, you might want to swing by the rules thread to see what's allowed here, and the FAQ thread to figure out how the site works. It explains a lot about the basics of the site, like how to post your works and how reviews work. If you have any questions about anything you find, don't hesitate to ask.

    I hope you enjoy your time on YWS! We're thrilled to have you here <3

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
— Arthur C. Clarke