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Young Writers Society

Nadya Statham

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  • Roxanne wrote:Image

    It's Novel Month! Time to start writing, explore your ideas, and of course hashtagging! Throughout this month, you’ll find #NovMoTags in the people tab to join in on and share more about your novel! As always, participate in at least one tag to earn a shiny badge. (Preview coming soon!)

    Share a Hashtag!
    Spoiler! :
    We’ve seen some new hashtags from fellow writers before, so I hereby invite you to share a hashtag in the Share-A-Hashtag thread! A selection of the suggested hashtags will be released during the third and fourth weeks of November. :]
    And the tags for this week are…

    Every novel idea begins with a spark, big or small. Share the main inspiration for your novel. Was it a special moment in your life, a person, song, picture, film/book, or even a dish?

    Every novel has at least one character whose fate is sealed. Which character in your story is destined to die by the end? What decision or twist in the plot leads to this? If there are no losses in your novel, what drastic or tragic event will befall them?

    Along the way, please remember not to overwhelm yourself. It’s about enjoying the process and making progress! Set goals, write as much as you like, and have fun :) Happy writing!

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There was nothing he enjoyed more than a good book. He'd wander into the study, take down some leather-bound volume, and eat it.
— Terence Brady (dog owner)