Woah, Hi everyone! Haven't been on in awhile...high school has kept me busy, but i recently found my love for writing again! So i guess that's a good thing, and you will be hearing from me again very shortly!
Thanks for the review:) - And I know the plot is a bit crazy now, but thats the point of the whole story - to be crazy! Don't worry though, it will get better in the end:P
germsieGal You're very welcome! Sorry I didn't review it sooner, I had no idea it was out. The plot is very crazy, but that is what I like to read! Your writing voice is very good! I wish all of these novels on this site were at my local bookstore, they really deserve to be!! Let me know when the next chapter is posted please! This time I will review on time, not a month later :p
Jul 7, 2011
germsieGal Anytime!
Jul 3, 2011
part 2 is up for remembering emily if you're interested....I like your avvie
germsieGal Why thank youI reviewed the chapter for you. Please write more soon!
Jul 2, 2011
servant4christ Another chapter is up!!!
Jul 7, 2011
germsieGal Thanks!
Jul 2, 2011
germsieGal Your Welcome!!
Jul 1, 2011
School is done for me! Summer is here and I'm starting a new novel and might start up Night Creatures again!
I did add her description...I added it to chapter 2 1/2 I think....I just thought I'd let you know so you didn't think I was ignoring your advice.
Thank you so much for the review!
AuthorOfMyLife If you're pathetic, then you're not alone. Everything makes me cry:P Songs, books movies, love... Even when I laugh i cry - sometimes at least.
Jun 7, 2011
Apr 19, 2013