Happy birthday!
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housecat Thank you so much!
Jul 25, 2013
housecat Thank you! nothings better tan being patted :3
Jul 25, 2013
housecat oh my, thank you! He's quite the stud. Have a lovely day c:
Apr 7, 2013
Thank you so much for your review on 'In a Second'!! It helped so much and I'll definitely take your advice ^__^
housecat Your welcome! Any time
Aug 23, 2011
Hi, can you please review some of my work, I will return the favor. Thanks.
Thank you for the review It was very much appreciated and I'll take your advice into consideration.
Thank you for the review on It's Hard to Be
You have no idea how much it means to me. And yeah, it was from the perspective of one person. Glad that you caught on!
Muchas gracias!
housecat Thank you very much!
Jun 5, 2011
housecat your welcome
Jun 5, 2011
Thanks for the review. The poem is basically about this guy who is being stalked by a ghost. He's sort of in denial, I suppose -saying he doesn't recognise the ghost -but in the end, he admits that he murdered Grant. Hope that clears it up!
housecat oh, I see! Very creative... I like it.
May 7, 2011
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Jul 25, 2013