Hoard of Story Ideas
Silverdragon150 Thank you so much!!
Mar 22, 2021
Silverdragon150 Thank you!
Mar 25, 2020
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you! Chachacha!
Silverdragon150 Thanks! Sorry I'm a couple months late to finally getting on here again but I still appreciate it!
Jun 14, 2018
Some dragons to start off the week.
Maybe someday I'll post about something other than dragons. Maybe.
And for any D&D fans out there:
http://media.wizards.com/2014/images/dn ... gonMap.jpg
Someday I want my dragons to be this complex. Everyone will hate me for it, but I will have many dragons and it will be glorious.
Halfbloodcheetah I love Dragons
Apr 26, 2017
Silverdragon150 Thank you!
Apr 23, 2017
So I never really figured out how to do this whole status stuff. Never felt like my life was interesting enough. But what, you're just suppose to use it to chronicle thoughts and feelings and stuff, right? Just, whatever you want to throw at it?
Well, whatever. Might as well give it a shot.
Love dragons. I really love dragons. Yes. This is a good thought to start out with. I guess it's not like people didn't already know that, not like I named myself after them or anything. But hey, it's always good to reiterate. Dragons are amazing and I love them.
Today feels like a good day.
ChieTheWriterhave you seen the new Pete's dragon movie???
And yes, dragons are awesome. @featherstone9086
Mar 27, 2017
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*blows the dust off of stuff*
Okay, okay, so I haven't been around for a while. Guilty as charged.
And... Well, I'm 20 now, that's okay, a little weird but okay. Lots of stuff has changed. But writing is still a thing. Yes, still a thing. Maybe one I should try to.... do more of here this year. I guess we'll see. Idk, it might be nice. If anybody's got some words of encouragement, I'm always open for them. If I've learned anything, it's that writing is difficult for me. But now that I know this and I know why, I can start to get better, right? Well, that's the theory. We'll see how well it goes.
Silver's back! probably.
Hi YWS. I'm glad you're still here. I kinda missed you.
Here's to hopefully a good year for writing.
Every year's a good year for writing.
Mar 21, 2022