It's been almost six months since I've last been on this site... that is inhumane. As of Jan 1, 2012, this site was blocked on my boarding school's wifi. It is only now, after a fierce campaign to get it back, YWS is back online for me. I feel like I'm waking up in a whole new world .I can't wait to get caught up with everyone, and restore YWS to it's rightful position in my life.
SkyLore I was reading this, and I was thinking...
'Vitamin was gone for six months? I swear I saw him in chat not too long ago...'
And then I starting having a panic attack for no reason.
Until I saw the name.
May 21, 2012
LadySpark Cammiiieee!
May 22, 2012
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Nikko lol jk, you can keep it.
Apr 7, 2012
LunaHalfLacy *Looks from Cam to Vitamin* *mind explodes*
May 22, 2012
Sep 2, 2022