yes I have read the maximum ride series and thats were my insperation came from! Glad to meet another fan
Thanks for your in depth review! Seriously, very helpful and much appreciated. As far as your concerns about not seeing the arm - I realized I need to reword some things xD My intention actually was the fear of seeing the damage - not so much the movement. But your review has shed some delightful insights about my own writing. I tend to think/speak in fragments and it shows. The dash is comfortable for me, just not good for me. THAAAANK YOU!
Thanks for the review. ^^
Writer's Roulette is a contest where you pick a letter and a number, and you get two categories that you have to write a story with (for example, mine were tragedy and multiple Point of Views). It's in the old contest forum, but here's a link:
The little sayings (fish and the river, etc.) I came up with myself. Glad you liked them. ^^
I like nitpicks, especially when it comes to contest entries. Speaking of which, I've got a little piece (under 1,000 words) for the big official contest with the story theme generator. It involves a ninja... But no real kung-fu fighting stuff. XD It's called Staring Stars, right... here: viewtopic.php?t=81183
So if you had time/interest, I wouldn't mind some feedback on that. ^^
Thanks again!
Thanks for the follow (a while ago)! I don't know when you followed me, but I feel really bad for never noticing :/
*follows back*
GrenadeCatcher No problem!
Jan 23, 2011
Unfortunately, in his day and age, Mr. Dancing Man has no idea what yoga is!
He is , however, just a dancing man with a nifty pair of dancing shoes!
PS I'm the one on the right Just FYI!! It makes my face look really long when its ity bitty buttttt it could be that I'm on the scrambler at a fair going really fast ahaha
Hey, your wall looked lonely so I thought I'd post a comment. Welcome to YWS!!!! If you need anything shoot me a pm and my wall is open to you (: Oh and by the way is your username from the song Grenade by Bruno Mars! I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!
GrenadeCatcher Thank you for my first comment!!!! I LOVE THAT SONG TOO!!!!!! I like your picture ahahaha
GrenadeCatcher < 3
Dec 31, 2010
lilgreendots You don't have any followers so I'll be the first one *presses follow*
Dec 31, 2010
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Jul 24, 2019