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I stopped coming when yws changed their site a year or so ago. The new navigation of the site was obnoxious while they were messing with things. Recently I randomly had the urge to check up on this place again. Things are so much better. I was looking through old works. Nostalgia is an amazing feeling.
After a horid case of writers block, my brain has finally allowed me to start the fourth chapter of my latest project. (this one's not currently on yws)
I hate typos. They're almost as annoying as knowing you've mis-spelled a word, yet not knowing how to correct it.
I've decided to move the starting point of Homesick and Alone to about a day before the time I have it now. The new section is almost done, but it's lack of editing is annoying. It's so unpolished. The voice is different, and I'm terrible at dialogue.
Grrr. I really wanted to write yesterday, but I couldn't find time. I kind of have time today, but my mind's blank on what to write next on either of my stories. 'A Child's Fear' needs rewritten to fit now that I've changed the plot (again), but I don't know what I want to keep or what to get rid of... That's what I get for starting a book without a deffinate plot.
aquababe You're welcome. You're an awesome writer.
Mar 4, 2011
Ranger Hawk Wow, thank you!
Mar 4, 2011
aquababe Does that mean that you want me to read yours or is it asking for me to write one myself? I'm pretty sure it's the former, but just checking.
Mar 4, 2011
lele253isme Read mine
Mar 7, 2011
Hey I edited my prologe, and hopefully did better. So if you have time and wish to check it out do so!
aquababe There's a little age difference, but yeah. That would be cool.
Feb 2, 2011
That's the link for the Camp Hamp Half-Blood Storybook you said you were interested in! Since you said you haven't been in one before fell free to PM me. I'm so excited! *Jumps up and down!*
aquababe You're welcome. I enjoyed looking through your work.
Jan 30, 2011
ThePenIsMyWeapon Thanks! I liked yours too!
Jan 30, 2011
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Jun 1, 2020