Shadowhunter14 Welcome! It was a really cool poem! I might have accidentally posted the same review twice, sorry if I did!
Nov 28, 2011
LadySpark You didn't!
Nov 28, 2011
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Shadowhunter14 Thank you! Love the Northern Lights. Your avatar is awesome too
Nov 26, 2011
Hey thanks for the review dear! I really appreciate it and it did help =) And yeah..I think that's how you pronounce my name XD
Shadowhunter14 Aw good! And haha, that's good too
Oct 29, 2011
You know what's strange? The fact that the people I see around on YWS in my News Feed etc. seem more interesting than most people I know in real life. Writers really are more intriguing people, even if they are a little insane ;P
Thank you SO much! Your comments are really helpful and will make my ideas stronger. *bows down to shadowhunter14 then rooms off the edit*
Shadowhunter14 Aww good! I try*bows back*
Oct 11, 2011
Listening to Lux Aeterna (Requiem for a dream) while doing ANYTHING can make you feel dramatic XD
Really annoyed - I did a whole huge and detailed review and then my computer screwed up and deleted it or something :/
qaralynn oh yikes OO that's annoying and crappy OO
Oct 8, 2011
Djinn lol, I got it. Thanks for the review!!!! It really helped!!!thx
Oct 8, 2011
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Thank you so much for reviewing my poem 'Sweet Fractured Night' and saying such nice things.
Shadowhunter14 You're welcome! It was really good
Oct 8, 2011
Thank you so much for the suggestions I am going to edit it right after this! I was experimenting with not using capitals or very much punctuation. But I think I will change it because it makes it easier for the reader to read it how I want it too be read. Thanks again!!!
(Oh, and good catch on the 'elucidated' --- my friend bullied me into putting it into there but I'm taking it out, you are completely right.)
Shadowhunter14 Haha your welcome! And oh thanks! Yeah, I thought it didn't quite fit...friends bully us into doing many things...XD
Oct 8, 2011
Shadowhunter14 *you're
Oct 8, 2011
Won $25 for submitting a poem and being runner-up in my school's yearbook-poetry-writing competition
Shadowhunter14 Welcome!
Oct 3, 2011
I should really post something...hmm..if only I had something to post...:/
Nov 28, 2011