So, I've got a new site. Its a writing forum about the Arthurian Legend. Its called The Castle Tale. The first fifteen members who sign up will automatically be made staff. I've waited this long to inform everyone of it 'cause the set up process took awhile.
...namely in the horror, contemporary, fantasy and action genres...Yes, I know that horror, contemporary and action are a far cry from my skill set, but I need to expand my horizens sooner or later!
ashleymae No problem *S*
Dec 19, 2011
Jagger What does *S* mean?
Dec 19, 2011
lol, we have a High Priest on A Home! And weirdly enough, he's my HIgh Priest and I'm his High Priestess. We're both leaders of our coven.
ashleymae Great! *S* And I'm so glad there are more people of our status here.
Dec 19, 2011
youngwolf1105 I know, and he's been a High Priest for 8 years. He really knows his stuff.
Dec 19, 2011
HEY! So, a long time ago...well a few days ago, I reviewed a piece of writing for you. It was the first chapter of a historical novel. I thought it was amazing! You should post more soon so that I can review that too!
ashleymae Thank you and I promise!
Nov 3, 2011
Pan had a down time. This one was planned though. The first was an accident. ME WANT PAN!!!!!!!!!!
malachitear Me!!!! *waves hand enthusiastically*
Oct 23, 2011
ashleymae *opens oven and grabs a fresh chocolate chip cookie*
Oct 27, 2011
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ashleymae Thanks *S* The day comes once a year, I wonder what I'm gonna do
Oct 21, 2011
ashleymae You are welcome *S*
Oct 21, 2011
Getting in the mood for Halloween, I'm going to host a little trick-or-treating thing here on my wall. Rules are simple: You post here or PM me and say 'trick-or-treat' and I'll send you a gram via the messaging system. This starts today and ends Halloween as we do not know who will be online.
Apr 20, 2012
Jimmy Carr is still the greatest person in the world.