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  • In case you guys are wondering what I've been doing, school work has been hectic (I just took the AP Calculus AB test, ahh) and A New Fairytale gave me a little bit of writer's block that I'm just now getting out of. But that's what I've been doing! Hopefully y'all have a great day!
    (I'm getting the vaccine in about thirty minutes too! :D)

    Ilium417 Update: the Johnson & Johnson vaccine isn't being administered to people under 18 so woo hoo, not vaccinated squad!
    May 7, 2021

fun fact i hear my evil twin once wrote a story about a hacker who used the name fyshi33k bc there are 33k-ish species of fish and she liked phishing so fyshi-33k made sense but then she got super embarrassed when someone forced her to explain
— VyperShadow