Dragonette It's out??!!! I did not know this.
Feb 22, 2011
Kwantack Yeah, it came out on Valentine's Day.
Feb 22, 2011
CaitlinGrant Thanks, you too!
Dec 13, 2010
CaitlinGrant I just didFinally, things are moving forward in the story. -Caitlin
Nov 7, 2010
Hello there. You were one of my first reviewers.
I very much enjoyed your views on my works.
Hey Caitlin
Thanks for writing in my gb. it was getting pretty lonely in there
And thanks so much for the support on my story
I'm posting chapter 5 soon. Just some editing and such left to do.
Have a good week
Hi. *waves* I love your story (Fire on Water). Please write more soon please . . . please
Hey Caitlin...i read some of your moms blog, its really cool... im guessing your a TCK? sounds like it.... im into singing and writing too... and roller blading if we had any tar roads that weren't packed full of taxis and 4x4s and beat up little cars. i live in Dar es salaasm, tanzania... email me some time or if you have msn.. add me ~
generally im not a psycho freak...
Mar 12, 2011
I'm actually going to post the whole edited version of the novel in the Advanced Critiques forum though, so if you do want to read the rest of it, you'll be able to get that soon.