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Young Writers Society


  • Jenthura
    Sep 29, 2009

    He likes the idea of super powers and wishes he had them. If he could talk to God he would have asked why didn't He endow us with the gift of flight.
    If you could fly, others could too, and would they use their powers for good, or evil? Think about that.
    Also, you switched partway through your bio from 'Kaiden' to 'Jordan' is that your real name? LOL, nvm, don't wanna know.

  • Writing for love is a pas
    Aug 9, 2009

    Second Post!! (Haha seconds the best and all that.)

    You Bio is very interesting. I love space. Well, I love the little green creatures in space. (mwaha.)

    Anyways, just thought I'd sign. :D

    _Writing for love is a passion_

  • ZaddieCaso
    Aug 8, 2009

    First post!!


    thought your guest book could look a bit more colorful


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— Lyndon B. Johnson