Hey, Celticmusicgirl! It's nice to see that you're reviewing! (Also wow, you've been here since 2009? That's really cool!)
Your reviews are pretty good, although there could be a little improvement in some areas! Particularly in spacing out the critique so it's easier for the author to read, but also in adding quotes to the review for readability.These do wonders in separating the actual work from the critique. It helps the author recognize what text is theirs, what text is written by you and it's overall easy to use!- Code: Select all
[quote]Insert the author's text in here![/quote]
The Big Book of YWS Codes will probably help with making the overall format of your reviews look neater!
Hello person with a username!
I am now going to follow you because I love the tune King of the Faeries.
Hey just a note here. Highborn Journey part 5 is up now and ready for reviews.
Celticmusicgirl sorry I don't remember a lot of people and I have been at home where I have no internet so it has been a loooong time since I've been able to get on, But hi nice to see you again
Jul 10, 2013
Thanks everyone! I really need to get back to work on stuff here don't I?
Hey, You requested a review from me and the link didn't work. You mind tryin' it again? Thanks.
Highborn Journey part3 is up now i may add to it a little later but most of it is up now if ya'll wanna review it.
Jul 1, 2018