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  • winterbaby
    Jun 5, 2009

    Hello there just stopping by to say that I read your first chapter of Black Emerald and I like it. Keep up the good work.

    - winter :)

  • tori1234
    Mar 1, 2009

    Hey! I just want to give you a reminder! For every piece of your work you post, review two other people's work, this is to make sure everybody gets a review!

    Have a great day! :D

  • Lord Anzius
    Feb 28, 2009

    Noooo I wasn't the first one here..-


    Well anywayz.

    Hi I am Lord Anzius, the guy that has been everywhere but no one remebers because he isn't that rememorable.

    I'll be sure to review your work at some point (Maybe even today) :D :D :D :D :D

    OH no look out for the blue balls (I'm the blue ball prophet.... There is something very wrong with that last sentence.)

    :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026

  • MeadowLark
    Feb 28, 2009

    [color=indigo:2c95dc2821]Howdy! I'm in a guestbook signing mood so I'm here to sign your poor little guestbook. It's so lonely. Have fun on YWS and I think I might go read your story. It's fantasy fiction. My fav! :D

    Well, Happy Writing!


Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank