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Hannah Fraser

  • Hannah
    May 30, 2014

    I miss you, name twin! The only person I've had a YWS dream about! < 3

  • Random avatar
    Jan 26, 2009

    Hey, thanks for the friend invite. You don't have to do that karma-you-review-me-so-I-review-you thing if you don't want to. Yours was pretty short, but I tend to draw on, so I don't exactly think it's fair. Thanks though!

  • cheese9975
    Jan 23, 2009

    No, I like talking to you :). Those are awesome emoticons, by the way. You're writing/have written a novel? You should post some of it! I'll read!

  • Go to bed, name twin! ^_^ Reviewing your work was no problem! I really like it! Will you let me know if you post any more of the same story? ^_^ -hugs-

  • cheese9975
    Jan 22, 2009

    Hey howdy hey stranger! Thanks for the friend invite! Joshua Radin for the win! You pronounce your name with long a's huh? That wouldn't fly here in Jersey. Don't worry, my name get's butchered too. My name is Shannon, but everyone is always like "Sheeneeen, how ahhh you dahling?" actually they're not like that at all, but some people do say my name like that. I'm not makin' no sense, am I, foo'?

  • Hannah
    Jan 22, 2009

    I say it just like Hannah Montana. Or Hannah Banana! Or Hamma!

  • Hannah
    Jan 21, 2009

    Our names...


It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien