1. What's your favorite feedback to receive in a review?
I always love to hear an interpretation of a poem I've written! Even if it's the furthest thing from what I intended - it can be a great way to see how your work is landing to just hear what they interpreted it all to mean.
2. And what's your favorite type of feedback to give when you're reviewing?
I just love poetry, so am pretty happy to be reviewing any fabulously written poem - I especially like giving ideas on different expansions a poem might take, considerations about continuity, and giving an interpretation of what I think an obscure metaphor or image might mean to the greater narrative of the piece! :] If I read a lot of a person's work I also like noticing if they have picked up an image from an earlier poem or if I'm noticing something in particular about their poetic voice.
3. And lastly, do you have a favorite review you've written this September?
I think this these two were my favorite reviews so far ~ work/candyhearts/umbilical-158810#c757790 & work/Valkyria/Watching-People-Fall-in-Love-158628#c758764
Oct 1, 2024
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