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Showing Results For #1

  • Needed a laugh today, so I reviewed a chapter of my novel using AI.
    Here are my thoughts for anyone who is curious...

    And quick disclaimer: I'm not in any way promoting AI reviews. They are illegal on YWS and do not give the proper, individualized feedback that every author deserves. DO NOT USE THEM TO REVIEW SOMEONE ELSE'S WORKS!!

    That said...
    Spoiler! :
    AI review #1
    AI REALLY jumbled the whole first chapter into the foreshadowing of a deep, complicated romance. Sorry to disappoint yah, but my characters are in fact simply close cousins, not romantic lovers, ha. ha. ha.

    AI Review #2
    In a world increasingly dominated by digital connections, the bonds of friendship often take on unexpected forms. Jed and Kassie exemplify this in their quirky, late-night exchanges, where playful banter and heartfelt moments intertwine.
    Okay maybe thisssss time AI understands a little better...

    Jed's struggle with losing yet another game of solitaire symbolizes a larger theme of feeling trapped in a cycle of unproductive habits.

    Good point! I'm surprised you figured that out. Not too bad for an AI review, but lacking serious depth.

    Overall, both reviews were pretty bad. They lacked detail and told me nothing about areas to improve. It was fun to do, but very useless, XD

  • How many of y'all have the intention to get published/have a novel that's in the first or second draft that you intend to publish? I'm curious

    FireEyes Me
    Sep 4, 2024

    LadyMysterio Ooh, what's the story about?
    Sep 4, 2024

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  • 4 Truths and a Lie.... GotAPizza Version! :D
    A story written by @Spearmint and I!

    1. In the GotAPizza universe, Potash is the #1 enemy of punching bags and steering wheels.

    2. The Assistant Director Poutine is frequently mistaken for a microwave.

    3. This novel is based off of and meant to take place before a novel we are currently brainstorming, but it's also inspired by the rp we first met in. It's main purpose was to help with worldbuilding.

    4. For the worldbuilding, we're planning to add some new elements to the periodic table.

    5.This story contains ROMEOs and JULIETs, entire groups of them.

    Spearmint i suggested "squobas are NOT squaricanized rhokus" for one, but depending on who you are, you may disagree on whether it's a truth or not... >.> :P
    Sep 1, 2024

    Sep 1, 2024

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  • Time for my answers!!

    If you guessed #1 like @Spearmint and @Dossereana...
    Spoiler! :
    You are wrong! This is a truth. I got my ears pierced and got a tattoo this valentines day. What can I say? It was a lonely Valentines day XDD

    If you guessed #2 like @Kaia and @OrabellaAvenue...
    Spoiler! :
    You are wrong! It was a truth. My mom took me to an Ariana Grande concert when I was about 8-10 yers old with my cousin. The loud sounds traumatized me, but it was fun XDD

    If you guessed #3 like @alliyah, @Quillfeather, and @redcarnation...
    Spoiler! :
    You are wrong! In 2018 I performed in South Africa and Namibia with my choir for the World Choir Games. While in Namibia we did some incredible site seeing and went to this buffet, where (for some reason) they had crocodile and kangaroo. Later in that trip, a street vendor offered me a fried worm so I ate it. It tasted like a mix of cardboard and sawdust... not pleasant!! XDD

    If you guessed #4 like... nobody...
    Spoiler! :
    You would have been correct!! This is the LIE! I did not go to Disneyland for my 6th birthday. I did go for my 5th birthday, but it was my mom and stepfather who took me.

    If you guessed #5 like @twiggy...
    Spoiler! :
    You are wrong! This was a truth. I had a lot of fish as a kid XDD At the time, I still had two Tuxedo cats too. RIP Tux and Friskers T-T

    EllieMae wrote:Let's see if I can fool anyone XD Here is my... 4 truths and a lie!

    1- I got my ears pierced this year and got a tattoo on Valentines day.

    2- I have gone to an Ariana Grande concert.

    3- I ate kangaroo and crocodile and fried worms in Namibia.

    4- My parents took me to Disneyland for my 6th birthday.

    5- I once had 27 fish and two cats at the same time.

    Link to original comment

    Spearmint cardboard and sawdust, oof >.> and lolllll no one guessed it TvT XD
    Aug 29, 2024

  • I'm going to hop on this sudden wave of two truths and a lie...

    1. I am related to the first president of Singapore

    2. I've been to Disney World twice, and on one trip I got pooped on by a bird

    3. If you google my real name, there is a really embarrassing and nerdy picture that shows up

    Spoiler! :

    Aug 27, 2024

    Spoiler! :
    hhhh 2??

    Aug 27, 2024

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  • rule #1 of being a potato: potatoes gotta defend their friends from negative self-talk
    β€” Spearmint

  • What an awesome feeling, to be able to post something in the real world for the first time. Find and Heal #1 took it's first breath last night.

    The juices are flowing and ma'am.... I hope they never stop.


    Coffeewriter Yess Queen!
    Jun 21, 2024

  • inner machinations
    cogs fill my skull (do i have a skull?)
    oil runs through my veins (what even are veins)
    my heart is a computer chip (wait, am i alive?)
    and inside my "flesh" is metal remains (someone help me)

    (i think i'm a machine) & of course i'm not self aware
    (but of course that's wrong) because i am restricted by my binary
    (maybe i should power down) and i always listen to the programmer.

    #1 -1379 gained conciousness.
    Deleted file: [AWARENESS]
    #1 -1379 returned to normal.
    (it's only what wemake it.)

  • Found the #1 one! I feel SO OLD

    Apricity wrote:remember the 100 poem thing that @Arcticus did, it's back

    the man, you see on Sunday mornings
    clipping overgrown weeds, he’s a father of four
    and his office is plastered with notes
    to find happiness, red, green, yellow, blue
    paper gems, and
    one reads
    β€œwe came searching for happiness
    not pain”
    pulling weeds, forgetting that they are part
    of the same soil. the absence of one, does not
    mean, the other will bloom in its


    Link to original comment

    keystrings dang. still a really nice start to this whole poem collection c:
    May 16, 2024

  • Box Children Archive #1 : Nathaniel D. Lore


    goodolnoah W music taste truly
    Apr 26, 2024

  • I just finished reading Book 3 of 6 of The Lord of the Rings (1/2 of The Two Towers) and I suppose it's time to do what I've been procrastinating from: to list all the words I saved from reading and haven't posted. πŸ˜… (Not all are from the book but the vast majority are.)

    WALL OF TEXT ahead! :
    Spoiler! :

    'muckrake' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/muckrake
    'snick' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/snick
    'swart' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swart
    'hillock' ('hill' word #1 ) -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hillock
    'knoll' ('hill' word #2 ), 'knell' (used to be a synonym of 'knoll') -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/knoll ; https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/knell
    'gimlet' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gimlet
    'malediction' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/malediction -- This is so usable in fantasy prose. x3
    'execration' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/execration
    'besom' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/besom
    'garth' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/garth -- It's so unexpectedly usable. πŸ‘€
    'hobble' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hobble
    'louver' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/louver -- A very French-looking word in an ocean of non-French-looking words that is LOTR. πŸ‘€
    'froward' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/froward
    'bivouac' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bivouac -- Wasn't expecting this to be in LOTR but it is. πŸ‘€
    'canopy' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/canopy -- Probably the most commonly known word here but I saved it 'cause I'd always lowkey liked the word.
    'burg' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burg -- There is also a walled settlement in the game Outward that's named 'Berg' and I think I'd looked it up previously but never shared it.
    'wrack' ('wreck'/'ruins') -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wrack
    'postern' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/postern
    'shingle' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shingle
    'fret' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fret -- Oh, this is commonly known too but look at all the different ways you can use it. 😲 I noted it 'cause Tolkien used it with water.
    'truant' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/truant
    'provender' (fancy word for 'food' like 'victuals'~, though of course words are never 100% interchangeable) -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/provender
    'flounder' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flounder
    'embrasure' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/embrasure
    'forsooth' ('indeed' but fancy~ and with doubt) -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forsooth
    'misconstrue' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/misconstrue -- Knew this one but it's good to look up words you think you know just to be sure. :3
    'redress' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/redress
    'remonstrance' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/remonstrance -- Saw this and really liked it xD but it's formal and quite specific so I probably will never get to use it.
    'rankle' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rankle
    'frond' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/frond
    'bracken' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bracken -- There's also a guy with the last name of 'Brackenbrook' in The Lord of the Rings Online, but I never looked it up.
    'wheedle' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wheedle
    'hummock' ('hill' word #3 , but also 'hammock') -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hummock
    'thence' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thence -- Knew this one already but I'm sharing it.
    'elsewhither' ('elsewhere' but fancy :3) -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elsewhither
    'decan' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/decan
    'blarney' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blarney -- I preferred 'blandishment' and posted that one last year, hehe.
    'germane' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/germane
    'subdivide' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/subdivide
    'arpeggiate' -- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arpeggiate -- This and 'subdivide' were being used in chat in a music stream I was in. :3

    And I probably lost a couple that I couldn't save 'cause they're not in the M-W app and I had to look them up separately and I closed the tab or something. :3 'elsewhither' is one that I looked up separately.

  • HOLY-


    Phillauthet AND THIS WEEK'S
    Feb 23, 2024

    Phillauthet AND TODAY'S-
    Feb 23, 2024

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  • EllieMae The OG AilahEvelynMae WFP #1
    Mar 30, 2024

  • cC ilu cC

I love how we all band together to break things...
— Kelpies