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do not watch kung pow ever. i was mentally traumatized (this was brought up because we (i.e. my family) are going through all of our DVDs)
dude, i just did tons of homework, i feel like i deserve to read and write now please
- vampricone6783 posted a new literary work: Janice gives her poem to Corbin!
just submitted one of my poems to be published (i did my research, don't worry), now to forget about it for approximately six months!
RavenAkuma Ah, that's so cool chem!!!
17 hours ago
pm me how you did it and which one pleeeeeeeeease
16 hours ago
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Click To Expand - vampricone6783 submitted a new review to the literary work Writing exercise-"Old reliable"
- EllieMae likes the literary work, The creeping, crawling feeling of love
- EllieMae likes the literary work, I've Had a Dream Once
Avian wrote:Have you caught the poetry bug that's been going around? Yeah, me too! It seems poems are all over YWS, whether they're from well-versed poets or new poets.
If you've got the poetry bug too, check out the Free Verse Club! And with social week just around the corner, what better way to share your poetry and encourage others?
The Free Verse Club is also hosting a Free Verse Contest that runs all the way through March 31st. Currently, we have no entries, so why not give it a shot?
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EllieMae wrote:Who is ready to write some poetry?
If you were around YWS in 2024, chances are you might have seen an advertisement for the 'Free Verse Club'. Well, I am here to tell you that we are bringing it back this year and totally changing how it runs!How will Free Verse Club Contests work in 2025?
This year, we are going to do 4 contests, which last three months each. Each contest will not have a specific theme, but instead, it will focus on where you are in your 'season' of life. Below are the contest dates:
Contest 1: January 14th-March 31st
Contest 2: April 1st- June 30th
Contest 3: July 1st- September 30th
Contest 4: October 1st- December 31stWhat poems are accepted?
During the time of a contest, there will be a forum in the Free Verse Club open for submissions. Anyone is welcome to submit! There is no limit on how many poems you can submit. So you could submit one, or you could submit way more!
Take a look at the spoiler below to see what is allowed and not allowed.Spoiler! :So, what exactly is the theme? What do I write about?
From today until March 31st, you can submit as many free verse poems as you want about any topic that you feel passionate to write about. You can submit all of your poems in the Contest Thread.
Happy writing and please reach out with any questions!
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theromanticchemist prettyyy
18 hours ago
- Roxanne likes the literary work, In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two
- Youbeaucupid submitted a new review to the literary work In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two
- Youbeaucupid has earned their third review star! Click here to go to their wall and congratulate them.
- Youbeaucupid likes the literary work, In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two
- Alwaysea likes the literary work, I've Had a Dream Once
- Alwaysea posted a new literary work: I've Had a Dream Once
"I'd love to see more poetry floating around YWS—especially during Social Week! New members!! *I chant enthusiastically* (Also, can we take a moment to appreciate how stunning the art for this is? My props go out to Avian!!
Avian wrote:Have you caught the poetry bug that's been going around? Yeah, me too! It seems poems are all over YWS, whether they're from well-versed poets or new poets.
If you've got the poetry bug too, check out the Free Verse Club! And with social week just around the corner, what better way to share your poetry and encourage others?
The Free Verse Club is also hosting a Free Verse Contest that runs all the way through March 31st. Currently, we have no entries, so why not give it a shot?
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- luciisdead is celebrating their cake day! Click here to go to their wall and wish them a Happy YWS Anniversary!
- LuminescentAnt likes the topic, 13 bold seconds of flight
in here atm~
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When I was a minor on the internet, I lied to everyone about my name and continued to go by that alias for years after becoming an adult. I had people convinced it was my real name and I should've kept it that way. I could've been committed to the long con, but I chickened out.
soundofmind It's fine. I like going by "sound" now. It's not a name but my brain thinks of it as one.
20 hours ago
theromanticchemist the fact that this is me except i chickened out at the ripe age of 14 and 1/2 years old
20 hours ago
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soundofmind i am going eep but feel free to use the paddie for hangs
20 hours ago
I have made a new language called Duoscript which is Duo's official language that he uses for his duties as omnipotent green overlord of Earth. It has its own alphabet too! If you would like me to write out your username/a specific sentence or words with its pronunciation and translation, comment below and I will post it on your wall!
Areastrixleiell Comment below
20 hours ago
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Click To Expand - redcarnation likes the topic, Social Week 2025
- NovemberCrow likes the topic, words associated
- EllieMae likes the topic, Stop!
- NovemberCrow likes the literary work, Angel and the Storm
- EllieMae submitted a new review to the literary work You Came to Me in a Dream
- EllieMae likes the literary work, For Monty 🐦⬛🥀
- EllieMae likes the literary work, Jenny’s heart 🫀🔪
- EllieMae likes the literary work, You Came to Me in a Dream
- EllieMae likes the literary work, Angel and the Storm
- EllieMae likes the literary work, In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two
- EllieMae likes the topic, words associated
I see every one of you who is still up and not tucked into bed... go to sleep.
Avian nuh uh. you're up too, go to bed cupid
Feb 9, 2025
EllieMae My excuse is that it is 8:40 am in my timezone xD
Feb 9, 2025
Today (February 9th) is my one year Duolingoversary and the hyperfixation is still as strong as ever <3 0v0
Youbeaucupid 365 days!? Where do you find the motivation, I can't even keep a 2 day streak. :sobbing:
Feb 9, 2025
Avian gasp congrats on your anniversary!! i know days like this are special <333
Feb 9, 2025
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Click To Expand -
Have you caught the poetry bug that's been going around? Yeah, me too! It seems poems are all over YWS, whether they're from well-versed poets or new poets.
If you've got the poetry bug too, check out the Free Verse Club! And with social week just around the corner, what better way to share your poetry and encourage others?
The Free Verse Club is also hosting a Free Verse Contest that runs all the way through March 31st. Currently, we have no entries, so why not give it a shot?
Autism comes in handy when no one wants to cook but I see an easy recipe that calls for making dough (kneading dough is one of my favorite stims) so I end up making dinner
RangerofIthilien like this!- Code: Select all
Feb 9, 2025
Avian ty ranger. also what site do you use to upload gifs? ive tried two and neither of them worked : (
Feb 9, 2025
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Click To Expand - Iggy submitted a new review to the literary work Clover reunites with lost loved ones (and more)
milkweed wrote:telling someone “yeah i like writing” gotta be the top 1 worst moment of my life
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How do I explain that I write poetry like it's a stream in my veins but I have nothing but 1 completed NaPo, a singular published poem from when I was 16 and a half finished manuscript from 2018?? Seems like a lot but it's not?
LadySpark I should really get moving on some of this honestly there's good shit going to waste
Feb 8, 2025
LadySpark oh my god the bucket of cold water that is the realization that she never drank tea was published 12 years ago....
Feb 8, 2025
Messenger wrote:
Like what you see? Come read some fantasy mixed with horror here ----> In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two“For instance,” Arlene continued like he hadn’t even spoken, “I chose to travel with you, a complete stranger, in these woods, because I find it safer than going alone.”
“You had no way of knowing if I was safer than the alternative. I could be a murderer, thief, ruffian.”
“If you were a murderer, you would’ve killed me long ago. If you were a thief, you picked a sorry soul to be the object of your thieving, and if you are a ruffian you are the most shy and bashful one I’ve ever encountered.”
“You’ve encountered many?” Titus kicked himself the moment he asked the question. He didn’t need or want for this conversation to go on.
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- ToastK likes the literary work, speaking of ink
Like what you see? Come read some fantasy mixed with horror here ----> In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two“For instance,” Arlene continued like he hadn’t even spoken, “I chose to travel with you, a complete stranger, in these woods, because I find it safer than going alone.”
“You had no way of knowing if I was safer than the alternative. I could be a murderer, thief, ruffian.”
“If you were a murderer, you would’ve killed me long ago. If you were a thief, you picked a sorry soul to be the object of your thieving, and if you are a ruffian you are the most shy and bashful one I’ve ever encountered.”
“You’ve encountered many?” Titus kicked himself the moment he asked the question. He didn’t need or want for this conversation to go on.
- Liminality likes the topic, A anthology of various translations
- Messenger posted a new literary work: In Antas Forest Part 1 - Travelers Two
16 hours ago