
Young Writers Society

Literary Spotlight

​5 ways i committed suicide
by EllieMae in Poetry » Dramatic

Go Where The Wild Flowers Bloom
by TheRebel2007 in Poetry » Lyrical

Circus Rose
by AkiraEliza in Poetry » Dramatic

A Year Of Reflections
by EllieMae in Poetry » General

Those Three Words
by Ley in Poetry » Romantic

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  • Forums » Welcome Mat
    stunning return after 6 years

    welcome back!

    herbalhour - 17 minutes ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Romantic, Dramatic
    The day we met

    Hi! First off, this is a really good idea you have here! I like the way you start this out by describing something that the character likes. I also love ...

    Logan15 - 1 hour ago

  • Forums » Writing Activities

    a face like a colon and a vertical line, a cut rope bridge, a star in the sky exhilaration

    Spearmint - 2 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Horror, Fantasy
    The Prime Control Chapter 5 Part 2: The Monarch of the Sylvian Woods.

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the review? Top Graham Cracker - William and Taurael are going to the forest, where ...

    vampricone6783 - 2 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Horror, Fantasy
    The Prime Control Chapter 4 Part 2: The Lost and the Found

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the mutated S’more? Top Graham Cracker - William and Taurael get healed by Alvane, who ...

    vampricone6783 - 2 hours ago

  • Novel / Chapter » Romantic, Dramatic
    The day we met

    A young college girl meets a young college guy that she is NOT on good terms with and has to be tutored by, will they fall for or hate each other.

    Madisonstephens - 5 hours ago
    16+ Language

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Horror, Fantasy
    The Prime Control Chapter 3 Part 2: Taury's story

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the possessed S’more? Top Graham Cracker - Taurael is the Lady of the Lake, Morgan ...

    vampricone6783 - 5 hours ago

  • Forums » Writers Corner
    Character deep dive for a short story in works

    Research Notes: Corporate Sales Notes: TBD What kind of product does the protagonist sell? -> Idea: Security Solutions sold by someone who doesn't appear to be trustworthy? Why does the ...

    DrFeelGood - 5 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Horror, Fantasy
    The Prime Control Chapter 2 Part 2: The Demon and the Names

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the spooky S’more? Top Graham Cracker - Another demon waits to attack, William and Taurael ...

    vampricone6783 - 5 hours ago

  • Reviews » Short Story » Fanfiction, Supernatural
    The Verosiscas go to the Overlook Hotel…

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world), Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!! First Impression : This was quite a fun tale to read ...

    KateHardy - 6 hours ago

  • Forums » Writing Tips
    How to avoid cliches in YA

    please, no love triangles *gasp* XD Personally, I don't think there are 'bad' cliches that need to be avoided. Instead, there are just tropes that are frequently done poorly, which ...

    EllieMae - 8 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Literature, General
    The Light of Day

    Hello, this is AkuRashomon who is going to drop a review/comment about your piece. So, let's get started! I like the flow of how your poem goes. The rhyming patterns ...

    AkuRashomon - 8 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Lyrical, Literature
    Go Where The Wild Flowers Bloom

    Hey, this is AkuRashomon and I am here to give a little comment or review. First of all, I do like the neatness of each verse and I like the ...

    AkuRashomon - 8 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Fantasy, Horror
    The Forsaken Race - The Hidden Truth: Chapter 23

    Dragonight is back for another chapter of this amazing book! That upon which my dragon's eye fixed From the sudden outburst, Leiytning barely restrained himself from unsheathing a weapon. I ...

    dragonight9 - 8 hours ago

  • Novel / Chapter » Fantasy, Supernatural
    The Argument. Chapter 2 of The Apothecaries

    The Apothecaries inspect the clinic and have a few... disagreements.

    KocoCoko - 8 hours ago
    16+ Language

  • Forums » Art & Photography
    Ladys Art stffs

    DISCLAIMER!!! I wana share reference photos on here, that i have used/am using. But Just a quick disclaimer, everyone is the pictures is fully covered, most/some in a bathing suit-like ...

    LadyMysterio - 9 hours ago

“And how shall I think of you?' He considered a moment and then laughed. 'Think of me with my nose in a book!”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell