
Young Writers Society

Literary Spotlight

else (or something i hadn't said before)
by herbalhour in Poetry » Dramatic

to be known is to be loved
by LadyBug in Poetry » Realistic

i hope i pass my ap exams
by yoshi in Poetry » Dramatic

The End
by LadyBug in Poetry » Narrative

proposed promises you won't deliver
by LadyBug in Poetry » Lyrical

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  • Reviews » Poetry » Dramatic, Romantic
    Circus Dream

    Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today! Shalt we commence with the spooky S’more? Top Graham Cracker - The narrator talks of a dream she had ...

    vampricone6783 - 1 hour ago

  • Forums » Writers Corner
    Wisteria’s Wistful Woodland

    Cliches and all of Their New Growth Today's Inspiration: Today's song was RECOVER by X Ambassador. I rolled free choice and song theme! I used a nonce form of my ...

    WeepingWisteria - 8 hours ago

  • Forums » Writers Corner
    Kate's Kozy Kove

    #16 Fight the Good Fight Poetic Style - 5 - Visual/Found Inspiration - 2 - Lyric Coin Flip - Tails - Incorporate into poem Lyric: "I will recover" Sacrifice Integrity ...

    KateHardy - 8 hours ago

  • Novel / Chapter » Fantasy, Politics
    On the Overmorrow Chapter Three- Enter Eric

    There's only a few minutes left until the first hearing. What's Aren and Quill up to? And who is this 'Eric' guy? The trial ramps up to begin at last!

    Bluepanther512 - 8 hours ago

  • Storyboooks » Storybook Sanctuary
    Island Magic

    James ended up tossing the bloodied shirt in one of the public wastebins near the docks, hoping no one would find it. On his walk back to his cabin, he ...

    soundofmind - 8 hours ago

  • Reviews » Poetry » Chickens, Horror
    The Monster

    Hello hello I hope you dont mind me popping in with a quick review. I wonder what happened to cause this mistrust of chickens whatever it was fuelled quite a ...

    Moonlily - 9 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Action / Adventure, Fantasy
    My Prolouge!

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world), Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!! First Impression : Well this started out fairly normal there but ...

    KateHardy - 9 hours ago

  • Reviews » Short Story » Humor, General
    Bella and the black box

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world), Hi, I'm Kajal and I'm reviewing your work today. While reading the story I must say I felt immersed ...

    Kem6o - 11 hours ago

  • Poetry » Narrative, General
    The End

    i love myself or maybe one day i will

    LadyBug - 12 hours ago
    E - Everyone

  • Poetry » Narrative, Dramatic
    no soul scratches like a scorned woman or a starved pack of wolves

    more screaming but make it cottagecore

    LadyBug - 12 hours ago
    E - Everyone

  • Poetry » Culture, Romantic
    i promise one day you'll wish it hurt this little

    interlude inspired

    LadyBug - 12 hours ago

  • Poetry » Narrative, Dramatic
    and my wings are widow's wear

    i love butterflies and metaphors

    LadyBug - 12 hours ago
    E - Everyone

  • Poetry » Lyrical, Dramatic
    proposed promises you won't deliver


    LadyBug - 13 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Action / Adventure, Fantasy
    My Prolouge!

    Hello Stranger! ~ Writing Commentary Oooo, interesting first chapter! I can only wonder what this story will be like continuing forward. It seems there is a mysterious ghostlike figure stealing ...

    goodolnoah - 14 hours ago

  • Reviews » Novel / Chapter » Action / Adventure, Fantasy
    The Daughter of War - Chapter 29: Over My Dead Body

    Hello again! ~ Writing Commentary Woah! This chapter certainly had a lot of great moments! Josephine watched with teary eyes as thunder cracked outside of the shed, causing her to ...

    goodolnoah - 14 hours ago

  • Reviews » Short Story » Humor, General
    Bella and the black box

    Hi, I'm Swifite13 and I'm reviewing your work today. First of all, I liked this story even though I didn't understand it all the way. What was the point of ...

    Swiftie13 - 15 hours ago

See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. Ask for no guarantees, ask for no security.
— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451