MBTI Enthusiats
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Kaia I am an ISFJ. My favorite personalities to write are definitely my sensing (also known as observing) extraverts. Maybe that's cuz I'm an introvert and really wish I had better social skills, lol.
May 30, 2023
DreamyAlice I am an ENFJ...and obviously we all love the introverted side of our characters so yah the I part and i find it very perplexing to write about the P types cause I am a big J lol
May 31, 2023
DreamyAlice So as you are a ISFJ, can i ask you one thing..what woould ISFJs think of an ENFJ. There is a person i know who is ISFJ and man everything works like I and E is not the problem, F and J we bond on a lot, but we struggle with our differences of N and S xD
What do you think? I think S is a big part of ISFJ types
May 31, 2023
Kaia Hi DreamyAlice! I find characters with the P letter a little tricky, but so long as you write them loving to live in a disorganized mess, you should be good, lol. Okay, that really stereotypical, but it really does seem that the personalities with P are spontaneous and don't really care that much if they live lives of total complication and mess, lol.
So, I guess writers love to write the opposite of what they are themselves. Interesting.
So, I have not had a really good look into an ENFJs world, but I can definitely say that the two types can definitely work out well. As an introvert, I am drawn to those who have an E and F in their personality because they naturally have a way at putting introverts at ease with their warm nature and caring attitude. Also, ENFJs are usually quite dependable because (as far as I know) they tend to keep up old friendships as opposed to their ENFP counterparts that will run off after the newest person rather frequently, and often find themselves in conflict with older friends. That's rather stereotypical and I don't have a lotta evidence to back that up, so I guess its kinda more opinion.
Now, for the areas of conflict between an ENFJ and ISFJ-the outlook in handling problems. I know a few people who have N in their personality, and I'll be honest, it can be frustrating to me. People with the S in their personality are very detail oriented and sort of live in the past in the way that they are constantly going to the past experiences to learn about what to avoid next time. People with the N type are more future oriented and can find it difficult to focus on now and particularly the past. Because after all, the past is the past, right? I don't see it that way. I see it as the past is a learning opportunity to learn how to deal with a situation better. BUT, on the other hand, I am drawn toward those with the N because they can help me get past the old and move on to the present and future.
So, in short...
N - Big picture, future oriented, bigger imaginations
S- Detail oriented, past and present oriented, more realistic imaginations.
Please don't take offense to any of this. This is all LARGELY stereotyped.
Jun 1, 2023
DreamyAlice Ooo it was fun to read, what you said about P types, oh my I cannot agree more being a big J myself, it is pretty hard for me to adapt trying to be a P lol.
And what you said about ENFP and ENFJ with their friendships is o true. It's not stereotypical for me cause I have an ENFP friend and I do love her a lot but her spontaneous changes of friendship are quite frustrating, to be honest but yah they are lovable people!
What you said about N being future-oriented more is...quite interesting to me cause being an ENFJ I am thinking and planning for the future but I live in my past as much as I live in my present. I see S as more with actual and solid opinions and values while they deal with problems, while I being an N is like fluid. And I sometimes really admire the quality of S to be determined with what they think is right with facts ready to back them up. While I struggle with trying to understand the reasons behind the people's behavior or the current situation. So according to me, N is more of an analyst and S is more of a solution-giver. What do you think? Half of what I say is what have experienced and half is just stereotypical xD
Jun 7, 2023
Kaia Yeah. The P type is pretty different from us!
I believe I know an ENFP. I tried to get her to take a Myers Briggs but she forgot. (Sounds like an ENFP thing to do) And that's what I liked about her and sound a bit irritating. So, yeah, sounds like we're kinda in similar places. (Although we rarely see each other anymore I can still say that she's got this extraverted enthusiasm and charm. But she does definately struggle to keep up with old friends. They're so spontaneous. But they are very lovable, and I hold no hard feelings toward her.)
Interesting...Well, I will say that S types are definitely focused on trying to solve a problem more than understanding it. But I personally am kinda both. Maybe that's why he I try to understand a situation, I end up so frustrated, I don't know. The S type are also known to be extremely stubborn. We have an idea that something must be done this certain way and cannot be one another way. Rooming with a S type can be difficult because we like everything a certain way, but the nicer of us will compromise..IF it makes sense. So, I see A types as being incredibly practical. For instance, I do NOT understand why people shop at expensive stores when you can get the same thing for a lower pricetag. Sometimes, I have to mentally tell myself that it's okay for my best friend to spend more money than myself, lol. But yes S types are certainly focused on their opinions and will do all the necessary research to have facts to back up every little thing. Its quite a verbal battle when my sister and I try to convince each other otherwise about our opinions on things because we are both S types. So, I guess S types also naturally try to convince others to agree with them. It can be very frustrating because not everyone's gonna agree no matter how much you talk to them. So, I feel like N types are more likely to be like "It's okay that you dont agree with me. We can still be friends" and move onto another topic, while S types are going to be like: "You need to understand this MY way. No changing the topic." So, I think N types can have a variety of friends while S types are a lot more picky. (I get made fun of it so much or turning down a friendship offer with a girl who I just couldn't find any common ground with. I feel like an N type in that situation wouldn't care that there's not much in common and actually be stimulated by the thrill of getting to know someone so different.
Jun 7, 2023
Kaia Does my analysis seem realistic to you? I'm basing it off mostly on people I know.
Jun 7, 2023
DreamyAlice This cannot make more sense than now lol, I was basing my judgment on this one ISFJ guy and hah whatever you said is exactly what I analyzed about him lol
Now it seems ENFJ and ISFJ are compatible as their J and F are strong and it is a universal truth we like the extroverted or introverted individuals of ourselves lol only the S and N difference is quite interesting and confusing at the same time.
Good to know that my analysis was not wrong! Its nice discussing it with ya^-^
Jun 15, 2023
Kaia Wwwwwhhhhsaaaatttttt???? You met an ISFJ GUY??? Thats a really rare combination. More females are ISFJs than males. (Which is one of the reasons Zybryn stands out) I feel like you met a celebrity, lol. (Did I ever tell you I'm a nerd about MBTI?)
Yeah. I really enjoy discussing this with you, too!! And of course your analysis wasn't totally off!!
Jun 15, 2023
DreamyAlice Yeah, I know right exactly! Umm so yeah to tell you honestly I like him and haha we are together so I got excited to know you were ISFJ too and I started all the discussions lol it was fun!
ISFJ males are less and that can totally be seen as why he stood out to me, I have liked sensitive feeling type males but also a J like me so yah. I MET A CELEBRITY TOO! (well I did tell you I am a MBTI nerd hehe)
And another fact there are more ENFJ males than females, its perfect lol!
Jun 15, 2023
Kaia I actually laughed. I actually did!! Because if I were in your situation and I met someone on YWS with the same personality as my boyfriend, I would start asking questions, too.
I had not heard that there are more ENFJ males than females but that makes sense. Honestly, I think ENFJs and ISFJs would make a perfect match. I don't personally know any ENFJs but I once had a character with that personality, and yeah. I can see that working out. Especially because ENFJs are usually very focused on understanding people and to be honest, I think ISFJs are hard to understand. They value relationships a WHOLE LOT. So, they make devoted, dependable, long-lasting friends if they find a person who will allow them in. BUT ISFJs are easily hurt. They put a lot of effort into their relationships, but they need constant reiteration that they are cared about. Often, people overlook ISFJs need for help because they are so focused on giving of themselves that others think they're totally okay. They don't openly talk about problems because conflict is the NUMBER one thing that they try to avoid at all costs, no matter the pain if they're feeling insecure.
These are things that I know are true of me, but probably not everyone. I know I score very low on the confidence scale, lol. So, yeah. Thats just me. And I don't know anything about ISFJ guys because I have never met one in real life. I only have Zybryn to help me imagine what that's like, and I know he's extreme, lol.
But yeah. In short, you have met somebody very cool!
Jun 15, 2023
DreamyAlice He his exactly how you describe yourself to be, he just mostly dont anylyse himself and he is apparently not aware of the mbti thingy much (tho i keep giving him random knowledge about it lol) He value our relation very much like REALLY REALLY CARING. Sometimes I feel like i am not doing enough lol being an ENFJ. A good supportive friend, he can be judging but he tries not to which i like. Not that adaptive but he can for others.
Super J tho we enjoy being super Js lol and then we also have deep emotional debates us being F, that is resolved in the end cause we both are Js we dont like uncertainities for long xD
Yah ISFJs are super cool!! So are the ENFJs!!! He gotta handle my E side and I gotta understand his S side we are super cool together xDand I realized yes ENFJs do like to know how and why people are the way they are.
And Zy is xD an extreeeeme one!
Kaia uhmm can i get to know your age? Like I was just curious, no worries if you would rather not share^-^
Jun 15, 2023
Kaia So, if you don't mind, I'd kind of like to move this conversation to a PM, but I'll go ahead and respond here this time.
Sounds like you've met somebody super cool. So, I DO relate to being judgy. I will judge people by their clothes, habits, expressions, and cars. Anything that can be seen, really. So, I often get super bad first impressions of people at first. I've gotten better at not judging people so much, but yeah, I do still have that problem. I also relate to the adaptability issue. While I am eager to make people happy, compromising can be difficult for me, as I like things to be just a certain way sometimes. But I have learned to be adaptable. It's a survival skill.
I don't know a lot of F people, sadly. My best friend is an ISFJ so we get to have those kinds of conversations occasionally. (Sometimes, we'll debate with each other over who inspired what element of Zybryn. But we're really similar so for all I can tell it was both of us!!)
I call my characters extremysts for a reason, lol. (yes, I spell it like that.)
Sure! I'm 18. I didn't want to mention that straight off, because I had a little fear of getting kicked off YWS for being too old. You're 15, right?
Jun 15, 2023
DreamyAlice yah looks like we had a loooong conversation in the reply zone lol nothing much to say I will move to PM if I have anymore questions XD Alice and her questions!
Yeah I am 15 and no you are not tooo old lol
Jun 16, 2023
May 30, 2023
What are your favorite personality types to write about? How does that compare to your own personality?