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Ashketchem Can't you open it again
Sep 20, 2016
ThatAndalite I'd be willing to join in if it opened again..
Sep 20, 2016
Ashketchem Why why why why why why why why why why why why that's stupid
Sep 20, 2016
felistia Not enough people were joining in the competitions to make it worth it. I need at least 5 people to join each competition to make it worth the effort. I normally only got between two and four, so sorry, but this club is closed until further notice.
Sep 20, 2016
ThatAndalite Alrighty, thank you!
Sep 21, 2016
Ashketchem Can I join each competition please
Sep 21, 2016
Featherstone If you do end up getting enough people or need help rebooting the club at some point in the future, let me know. I'd like to help out and/or join if it does come back to life.
Mar 14, 2017
Ashketchem I like to join if it comes back to life
Mar 20, 2017
felistia I could start the club again, but I'm really not active enough to gather up enough points to give out as prizes. I could hand it over to someone who would give out the competitions and prizes.
Mar 20, 2017
Featherstone I'm willing to take it over.
Mar 20, 2017
Ashketchem No I want to take over because I need something to do please
Mar 22, 2017
felistia Who ever takes over the club needs to have enough points from reviewing to give prizes. It also might be good to have two people running the club as two judges are better then one.
Mar 22, 2017
Featherstone Right. Points. I'm probably a bit too busy to review enough, so go ahead and give it over to @Ashketchem
Mar 22, 2017
Aug 14, 2016
This club is official closed since there just isn't enough activity. Sorry.