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NerdTrash6000 Count me in - though I have a quick question before I get started on my work.
What exactly do you mean by 'no spiritual works'? I mean, I understand to a point but I ask mainly because, in most of my stories, items included play a symbolization role rather than a physical role.
Aug 2, 2016
felistia By no spiritual works, I mean no stories\poems revolving around a god.
Aug 2, 2016
Jul 31, 2016
So for this weeks competition it’s going to be a writing competition.
I thought that we'd have a creative writing competition.
Entry rules
The story must be have three things mentioned in it. A lion, a unicorn and a dragon. You can mention them in passing or have them as characters in the story. This is the only thing you must have in your story.
Now for the proper rules.
As with last time, the same rules apply. The reason for these rule is because I’m the only judge and I can only read certain things. I’m going to have to rule out certain things because of this. I hope you understand.
First rule: No M or L rated works and please no 18, 16, 14, 12 rated works. You can have violence, but please don’t make it really horrific.
Second rule: Please no horror, supernatural or spiritual works. I’m not comfortable reading these. By horror I mean works that contain demons, spirits and otherworldly beings. So if it’s rated horror because there’s a bit of violence that’s okay.
Third rule: This competition ends exactly 14 days from when I send out this message. I'll judge at the end of the competition. The prize is 500 points and one gift for first place, 350 points for second place and 250 for third place. The rest of the people who compete in the competition will get a prize of 50 points just for participating.
Fourth rule: There is no word limit to this competition. Please post your work for the challenge in the forum labelled The lion, the unicorn and the dragon. If you haven't posted you work by the time the competition is up then I'm afraid it doesn't count.
Fifth rule: You can enter old works, so long as they met the entry rules. You can also publish it to get reviews before posting it in the forum.
Six and most important rule: Have fun writing.