
Young Writers Society

16+ Violence

The Prime Control Chapter 9: The Shinobi

by keeperofgaming

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for violence.

The bus ride was silent.

Amy had tears in her eyes, and Brent had a blank look. Several other students had similar looks.

Corpses… were terrifying, but not only that for those two. They saw the events. They saw what did that devastation. They knew what existed now.

Grace leaned over and whispered.

“Why do they remember?”

“The Order needs to change to hunting demons. If a high-ranking member and a sponsor both agree, then they need to at least consider it.”

Cherry had her face in her knees, the sneaky stoic girl… saw something horrifying. I felt guilt for suggesting we go to the lake.

“Should I erase it?”

“No, because the cops saw us, they’d realize something was wrong if the students suddenly didn’t remember that.”


Then, on the radio we heard a news case.

{At the forest a large bear killed fifty-seven tourists. Some of which was Mayor Valentine and his family. An election is taking place. The bear was neutralized, but it’s reason for going savage is still unknown, Lead Ranger, Simmons, states that it could be that someone fed the bear, resulting in it getting angry as the next person didn’t offer it food. An unfortunate but possible explanation.}

Simial certainly had a good explanation. A bear that went mad after not being offered food happened periodically, so the forest wouldn’t be to blame, and it would place blame on an anonymous tourist, no one else.

But hearing that the bear was neutralized didn’t change anything, as just hearing that a bear killed fifty people would usually be an ‘oh dear’ for most people, but they actually saw the devastation. They saw the bodies. They wouldn’t forget it.

We got to the college in time for lunch, but no one had an appetite. Those in our group simply sat quietly.

Me, Brent, Amy, and Grace sat at our table. Grace got us food, but even she didn’t touch it.

“So… now you know what the being that caused my injuries looked like.”

“Why do we go after Morgan when those exist…?”

“Because both are threats.”

Amy shook before putting her head on the table.

“I… I don’t want to… ever see one again.”

“I feel you.”

“How aren’t you horrified, Grace?”

“Because I’ve seen far worse.”

“And that makes it fine?”

“No… because I still haven’t gotten used to it yet…”

“What have you seen?”

Amy’s question sat for a minute, then Grace sighed.

“Brent, what are the protocols for dealing with an infantile atronach.”

“Don’t antagonize it and try to contain it. Why?”

“Because, when I was an infantile atronach, I was attacked, numerous times. Groups trying to use me, contain me, and more. Fey, human, it didn’t matter. I’ve seen worse because I’ve done dark and horrid things… but demons… they are far more brutal than I ever was… What’s worse. What I did was for survival… What they do… they do it for ***** and giggles.”

We were silent.

Taury spoke.

“They are organized. That’s clear enough.”

“Isn’t that atypical?”

“It is. Normally, if they are together, it’s temporary, those three seemed to be a full squad.

Brent had a dark look.

“I’ll notify Jones that we may want to make a treaty between us and Morgan, until we can stop this… demonic force.”

Amy nodded.

“If there’s a whole army of those. I don’t think I could fight…”

“You won’t need too.”

“Speaking of, what happened to the shadows… they didn’t get on the bus.”

Then another tear dropped.

“When we went for the hike… I told them to take a break at the lake.”

My eyes widened… that meant…

“I saw their bodies. It seemed that they attempted to fight too…”

I put my hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you get hurt by one of them again.”

She smiled and spoke.

“Please don’t put yourself at risk.”

Taury snorted.

“Don’t try to dissuade him, didn’t work in my case.”

Amy smiled.

“I only hope we can stop this before the worst happens and more die.”

Taury sighed.

“I’m going to be honest with you all. More are going to die. Innocents will die. That is a default. But what we need to do is to stop as many deaths as possible, and if that means that the fey need to become a public power… then the fey will do so. I can speak for the pixies when I say this.”

She looked at Amy with pure determination.

“We won’t let humanity fall.”

Amy smiled.

“Thanks, Wings.”

“No problem.”

I smiled.

“What is it?”

“I have an idea of some help we can get.”


“Obviously we are going to get time off to recover mentally, when we do, meet at my flat,”


“Because we are going to see my grandfather, because knowing him, he likely has some idea of what we’re facing.”

Taury raised a brow.

“How would an old famous martial artist be able to help?”

“Because he always told me stories of fey, I just never listened to them. So, he probably knows about demons too.”

“That… makes sense.”

Brent sighed.

“It may be interesting to meet this guy.”

“So, my flat… at four?”



Me and Taury were at the flat looking at the clock.

“So… you’re free now.”

“Yeah… It’s weird.”

“Do you want to go by your name now?”

“No… if Morgan were to find out…”

“Yeah, that would cause problems.”

“She’d threaten you to keep me in line, especially with that collar of hers.”

“How do we break it?”

“*Sigh* She would need to break it herself.”

“Why was Roman so normal about it, if it’s that bad?”

“Likely he saw it but denied that it was a collar, even Morgan wouldn’t usually collar someone. I don’t like it, but it’s quite clear she needs you for something.”

I smiled.

“Hey, at least that means I’m kinda safe.”

She sighed.

“I suppose. If she didn’t need you, you would already be dead.”

“Heh, if she ever tries, I’m gaining nature magic.”

She smiled.


Then we heard a knock. I opened it to a gun at my face.

“Hello, William.”

“Ah, Jones the coward, come on in, want some tea?”

“I want answers, what happened at the lake.”

“Oh? Did you not hear, a be-“

“Don’t take me for a fool.”

His serious glare permeated through me.

“Did Brent not tell you?”

“Whenever I asked he began shaking.”

“Fair, three demons attacked, one killed the people, and the others imprisoned me and Wings. We managed to get the demons to mess up and managed to kill two of them.”

“And the third?”

“Too mentally weak to be a threat.”

“And you know this how?”

“I would have killed him myself if he was a threat.”

I stirred the sugar in my coffee.


He didn’t seem convinced.

“Well, I mean the last time I did something like that, everyone threw a fit about a fire tornado.”

My admission of being behind the pillar caused Jones to realize that I wasn’t your run of the mill fey friend.

“That explains that mystery, but why did the demons attack?”

I looked at Taury, who nodded.

“They wanted to force the pixie with us to open a gate to the Pixie realm that lies in the lake.”

“Why would they want that?”

“Because the regular way was blocked off due to the demons being aware of the pixies’ names.”

Jones’s eyes widened.

“I see…”

He smiled.

“Perhaps we can help each other. You have the killer pixie, she’s loyal to Morgan. Many call her, her prime killer.”

“Despite her not doing much killing at all, nor being loyal to Morgan.”

“Hm… but, she could get closer, spy for us.”

“Not interested.”

“It wasn’t a question.”

I heard the gun click then Jones froze. A pixie’s blade was now at his throat.

“Don’t get me wrong, Jones. People think I’m loyal to Morgan and that I kill for her dirty work. I don’t. I don’t like killing anything other than demons, but threaten William again, and I’ll amend that.”

He shook as the ‘killer pixie’ sheathed her sword and became mini again. Jones put his gun away.

“Alright, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.”



“Hunt demons for now. They are a much larger threat than the fey.”


“Keep this in mind before you respond. A single demon managed to not only kill so many people but managed to overpower several fey and a mythical knight of Avalon.”

“A knight of Avalon?”

“Yes, and they are powerful fey, so a single demon managed to defeat all of that, so can you not see how they are a larger threat?”

Jones considered my words and nodded.

“Very well, we will still keep watch for fey, but I can agree that demons may be a larger threat.”

“Good, now I’m expecting guests, so if you could just please get out.”

“I have more-“

I moved the ground under his chair to the door and launch tilted it.


I saw Jones fly out my door and I moved the floor back to the original spot.

“Now I know why Morgan does that, that’s really satisfying.”

“It looks it.”

I closed the door and sat back down, sipping my tea.

“Want a sip?”

“Why not?”

She leaned over and took a sip of the tea.

Then I heard a knock again and I walked to the door.

Opening it, I saw Brent, Amy, and Grace.

Brent looked irritated.

“Why did I see Jones flying from here?”

“I told him to go, he wouldn’t go, so I booted him.”

“He seemed okay, but this is a second-floor room, I would not suggest doing that more.”

“Awe fine, I’ll just dump him outside next time.”

Brent sighed.

Grace raised a brow.

“That was earth magic. I thought you had fire?”

“I have both.”

She nodded.

“That’s impressive.”

“Yep, Wings has also been teaching me control.”

“As she should. You do seem to be decently powerful.”

Brent nodded and spoke.

“Alright, so how do we get to your grandfather?”

I smiled.

“By train.”

“How long a ride?”

“Twelve hours.”

“Goodness… I hope that it turns out that he can help.”

“So do I.”

Amy sighed.

“So, when are we going?”

“Soon, the train leaves at eight.”

“So, we should head out?”

“Probably, but let’s have some food first. We have a while and the train’s only a 30-minute walk.”

“Alright, wanna order something?”

“Nah, I’ll cook.”

Taury, as usual,

“Can I help?!”

“Only one thing you can do that could be conceivable seen as help.”

“I’m not being a pixie dust shaker!”

Grace snickered as Brent and Amy gave a look of confusion.


Grace sighed.

“Pixie dust is a very powerful taste enhancer, but since pixies like to keep their dust, it’s a very rarely used ingredient.”

“Huh, cool, how did William learn of that?”

I laughed from the kitchen.

“First time I cooked for us two she fell in the soup.”

“What? How?”

“She is very clumsy while stirring soup.”

“Oh… so that’s why she doesn’t help?”

She sighed.

“He tried everything, but he ended up so fed up he stuck me in a jar until he was done.”

“A jar? That’s odd.”

“That jar.”

They looked and saw the jar with massive bent holes.

“Oh… did you do that?”

“No, he did with scissors… while holding me.”


“Yeah, it was then that I realized that he’s the cook, and you don’t bother the cook.”

I smiled.

“Good rule of thumb.”

Then I pulled out a steak and a sharp knife.

“Hey, that’s a lot of meat for a skillet.”

“When you live with a carnivorous pixie, you tend to eat a lot more meat.”

I cut it thinly.


Amy looked at Taury who was drooling at the steak.

“When I imagine fey, I thought they’d be vegetarians.”

Grace sighed.

“Some are, atronachs are omnivores. Spriggans are typically carnivorous, but they can eat plants too. Pixies, on the other hand, get revolted by plants. They can eat them, but they dislike doing so.”

“Any vegetarians?”

“Fairies and cupids.”


Then Taury spoke.

“Fairies love eating mushrooms specifically, especially the hallucinogenic ones. Cupids just steal from farmers.”

“Oh, so that’s why you call them druggies.”

“Yep, they love tripping off their minds.”

“Well, dinner is ready, and I prepared a side for those who aren’t scared of plants.”



I sat there, watching a movie on my phone.

We were almost there, and everyone, but me, was dead asleep.

{We are now at the last stop for today.}

“Alright, wake up!”

I flicked everyone and they woke up groggy.

“We’re here.”

The train stopped and the doors opened.

“Come on.”

The group groaned.

“Alright, let’s go.”

They were rubbing their eyes as we got off. Taury let out a yawn.

“Alright, come on. Get down.”

They got off the train and we began walking.

“So, where is your grandfather’s house?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s up there.”

I pointed at the mountain.

They looked at me in shock.

“How do we get up there?!”

“We climb.”

“You say that like it’s easy.”

“Eh, I had to do it every day since I was ten.”

“No wonder you’re strong.”

We walked until we reached the bottom of the climb.

Grace snickered.

“Bye, meet yall at the top.”

Then she walked into the rock and I felt her aura ascending.

“Hey, Wings.”


“Could you please fly those two up?”


She turned into her big form and smiled.

“Grab on.”

The duo grabbed on, then she took off. Their screaming faded in the distance.

I breathed.

Alright, let’s go.

I leapt up to the first piece, and I bounded to another, making a smooth swift climb.

Once I got to the top, I saw Brent beginning to sit down. He, and everyone else blinked.

“You… that was fast.”

“Once again. I’ve been climbing that since I was 10. Anyways, just down this path is Gramps’s dojo.”


We began walking and Taury became her small form before sprawling on my head.

Then I saw it. Home…

“Well, here we are.”

I walked forward and instinctually dodged the kunai that struck right behind my head.

The group immediately snapped and got into a defensive position, but I snickered, flipped the kunai and launched it back at the kunoichi.

She yelped and fell out of the tree line. Her ginger hair getting caught on a branch flipping her back as well. She slammed onto the path with a groan.

“Hello Aoi.”

“William, I can never hit you, can I.”

“You’re an even worse student than I am.”


I helped her up.

“Well, do you know where Saiyung is? I want to talk to Gramps.”

“As always darling, right behind you.”

The group spun to the new figure who seemed to manifest herself. Her dark hair amplified by the dark suit covering every part of her tightly. A blindfold covering her eyes and a mask covering the rest of her face. She almost looked like a demon. A tall one, as she was a whole foot taller than me.

“Hello, William. It’s been a few weeks since you last contacted us.”

“Sorry, I just got a new phone. The old one… fried.”

“Ah, that is horrible, I see you brought friends.”

“Yes, this is Grace, Amy, and Brent.”

Then Saiyung smiled.

“Don’t forget the friend on your head.”

I looked at her as Aoi gave a confused look. You could almost see the question mark manifest over her head.

“You have magic?!”

“No, my bracelet is simply a powerful relic.”

“Oh, that makes sense. This is Wings.”

“Hm, pleasure to meet you, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a pixie.”

Aoi asked.

“Ma’am, what are you talking about?”

“Goodness child, did you forget your relic again?”

“It doesn’t do anything.”

“It would help you see the person I am talking to.”


She pulled out the bracelet from her pocket and put it on.

“William, why is there a miniature bird lady on your head?”


Taury snapped up.

“Excuse you, but I am a pixie. There is a large difference.”

“You have bird wings.”

“They aren’t bird wings!”

Taury began pouting as I started chuckling.

“So, William, what do you need to talk about with John?”

“It’s serious… by the way, how did you know to wait for me?”

“John told us to set up a trap. He didn’t say what for. I’d assume this was it.”

“Oh, by the way, I should introduce you all to these two.”

I turned to my friends.

“This is Saiyung, the last fully fledged kunoichi, and her apprentice, Aoi.”

Grace spoke first, stretching out her hand.

“Pleasure to meet you two.”

“Pleasure to meet you as well, earth golem.”

“You recognized me?”

“I saw how you climbed.”


“Women popping out of the dirt typically imply earth golems.”


Then Saiyung began walking.

“If what you need to discuss is serious, I’ll take you to your grandfather.”


We walked, then Saiyung was on top of a ledge.

“If you can get to him alive.”

I sighed.

“Of course.”

“Aoi, could you help me?”

“Yes ma’am!”

She hopped tree to tree above to where Saiyung was.

“Alright, let’s see what you’ve learnt in your time away, oh and magic is allowed but no traveling through the earth. The rest of you, just wait.”

I smiled. This was nostalgic.

“Alright Wings. Get off. This will be dangerous.”


Saiyung threw a kunai to the center of the field, and it opened up.

Several traps emerged.

“Get to the end of it without a single scratch and I’ll take you to John.”

I smiled.

“Well, this will be fun.”

I dashed forward, molding the terrain to allow me to move.

I used fire to block the spinning maces, its heat forced them back.

I did a flip and caught myself with earth magic moving me through the low crawl.

I did another flip and landed on the side of a sword for just a split second and dove over another mace.

Then I came face to face with a gatling gun.

Using magic, I bent the barrel, forcing it towards the two kunoichi controlling it.

I just heard Saiyung.

“Clever boy.”

The gun shot at them and the duo dodged and jumped away from the trap switches allowing me a clear run to the end.

I tapped the flag and turned around to see everyone gaping at me.

“… Bro, what?”

Grace was shocked.

“Goodness, he didn’t even get grazed.”

“It was easier this time.”

Saiyung laughed, it was a pure laughter that she had.

“Of course, boy, you can use magic now. When you couldn’t of course it’d be hard, but even I didn’t expect the gun bending.”


“Well, I’ll take you to your grandfather now.”


She was right next to me.

Brent looked at her in shock.

“How do you do that?”

Taury sighed.

“It’s not that hard, she’s just fast. I can also move that fast.”

“Yeah, but you’re a pixie, Saiyung is human, it’s a bit more impressive.”

“I suppose.”

We walked up a winding path, then the wind began to blow harder. The trees made a whistle.

Then we came to a stone circle.

Saiyung and Aoi both did a bow to the master.

The others simply looked shocked.

Hanging upside down from a tree, holding himself with merely his big and second toes, was a shirtless old man, covered in muscles. His long hair flowed.

“Hey, Gramps.”


He fell and landed on his finger, groggily rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, William, how are you?”

“Pretty good.”

“Ah, and the Monarch of the Pixies. To what do I owe the honor.”

“… You know of that?”

“Of course, boy, you smell of the Dream, and can you honestly not see the glow of sheer power?”

“… no?”

“Blind, as always.”

He righted himself and stood. Then, suddenly only a foot away, he patted my head.

“Well, boy, you’re here with three beauties. What do you need?”

That caught Taury off guard.

“What’s wrong?”

“You… you moved so fast… I didn’t even see it…”

I looked at Gramps with surprise.

“You’re that fast?!”

“Yep, what you thought I was slow like Saiyung?”

“… *sigh* Only you would call her slow.”

“Anyways, what do you want to talk to me about?”

“Um, what do you know of demons?”

“Quite a bit, boy.”

He smiled.

“Gahahaha, I remember when I hunted those fiends for fun. Those were the days.”

“You hunted demons?!”

All of us looked at him in shock.

“Didn’t just hunt them, I was darn good at it too. I’ve even shown you my collection of demon stones.”

“… Your rock collection?”

“Yeah, what, did you think they were just cool rocks?”

“Yes… yes I did.”

There were hundreds of rocks in that dang collection, just who the heck are you Gramps?

“So, what do you want to know about demons?”

“How to handle them when they form up.”

“Ah, who’s the leader this time?”

“The Hunter.”

“The Hunter? Hm… yeah, he could definitely do that. If he’s leading an army then you need help. Tell you what. I’m not gonna answer your question.”


I sighed. I half expected this.

“What strange instructions do I have now?”

“Go to Morgan’s woods, find a tree marked with a starry eye, knock twice and repeat this, ‘Only scum see wit.’”

“And look crazy?”

“GAHAHAHA!!! Boy, just do it, it will help you. Oh, and do it alone, bring not even the Monarch.”


“You’ll see. Welp, have a good day, I’m gonna get back to my meditation.”

He flipped and landed on the tree before falling asleep almost immediately.

Amy sighed.

“Well, that was useless.”

I smiled.

“Not at all, he genuinely thinks that this will help. Let’s head back.”


“Yes, Saiyung?”

“Bring Aoi, she needs to go to college.”

“She’s 16 though.”

“And? You’re never too young to learn. Besides, she needs real world experience, where better than next to the sleeping maw of the earth.”


Aoi seemed happy.


She did a flip and landed on my shoulders.

“Onward to the station, my noble steed!”

“… neigh…”

Taury glared at her then landed on my head.

“Let’s go.”

We walked back to the front of the dojo, where I climbed down with Aoi on my back, as Taury, once again helped Brent and Amy down.

“Alright, to the train.”

We walked back through the town Aoi never leaving my back.

“And we’re here. Aoi, get off my back so you can get on the train.”

Instead, she just coiled around me like a serpent, restricting my arms.

“Or you can do that.”

I found my seat and sat down roughly, causing her to yelp and fall off.

“There we go sit across me.”

Aoi moved to the seat, and Taury took her place on my head and stuck her tongue out at Aoi who pouted.

Aoi actually doesn’t have a crush on me, much unlike what Taury seems to be thinking. She’s just… incredibly… inhumanly clingy. The way I know this is because she crushes on a supermodel sleezeball. And whenever she gushed about him and his muscles, she’d clamber all over me until she passed out or I reminded her that if she was into muscled men, that Gramps was available, to which she gagged and excused herself.

Me and Aoi have known each other since she was six. I’d been with Gramps for two years at that point. She was so tiny, and even now she comes in at only 4’ 6”. She always says that eventually she will get her growth spurt, but she never has.

She is Saiyung’s prize pupil, as her size allows her to sneak where most people can’t. She’s also Saiyung's ward. She has other students, one of which does have a crush on me, but Aoi doesn’t.

The one who does is terrifying… not because she’s ugly or anything, she’s really pretty… but… well, best not think about that right now.

Speaking of Aoi.

“What are you doing?”

I closed my eyes for a bit and opened them to Aoi grappling me. Her legs were half wrapped around my torso; I could feel the lower half of her legs braced on my leg. Her arms were around my neck.

“I’m examining the pixie.”

“Of course you are.”

“Did you hear what Daniel did this week?”

“Let me guess, he released another magazine?”

“Yeah, and he’s doing a concert in Challsville at the college!”

“Oh… great.”

“Think we would be able to go?!”

“Since that’s the college we are currently going to, that’s a hard… maybe.”

“Yes, thank you William, you are the best friend.”

She began shaking then sprawled on my lap.

“Hehe I’ll get to see him in person!”

I sighed and patted her head.

“You are a special type of girl.”

“What if he sees me and is so awestruck by my beauty that he has a heart attack and dies. William, would I be jailed?”

“I doubt they’d be able to track you.”

“But what if I turned myself in? I’d feel such guilt.”

“I don’t think they’d charge you.”

She almost looked like a thought passed through her head.

“Hm. So, have you got any girls yet?”

“Maybe~ Jealous~?”

“Bleck, who?”


“The Pixie.”

“Uhm- uh. What makes you think that?”

“That reaction for one. But you also kept looking at her when you were talking to the old man.”

“I did?”

“Yep, and when I was piggy backing on you, she seemed almost jealous. Besides, she seems incredibly calm and comfortable right now.”

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“Have you kissed?”

“We got close once.”

“What stopped it?”

“Racist merman.”


“You heard me.”

“That sounds like a joke.”

“It’s shockingly not.”

She sighed.

“Well, it’s another, how long?”

“I could check if your got your butt off my hand.”

“Oh, sorry.”

She maneuvered and I fetched my phone.

“Hm… Three more hours.”

“Alright, I’mma sleep then.”


Sure enough, she was out before my word finished.

I sighed deeply and shut my eyes.


After saying goodbye to Brent, Amy, and Grace, I headed to the store with Aoi and Taury.

“What are we getting?”

“A mattress.”


“Because you need bedding.”

“Then I’ll share yours.”


Taury snapped.

I sighed.

“Aoi, listen, for a lot of people, it’s odd enough we’re living together, even if we’re okay with sharing a mattress, your still underage, so if someone misinterprets our relationship as romantic, as odd as that sounds, I could get in trouble or even get jailed.”

Aoi thought for a moment, and Taury began to slowly realize that we were not the slightest bit interested in each other, we were just close.

“Hm, then what if we buy the mattress and only say I sleep in it when someone comes over.”

“Or we could skip all potential problems and just get you a mattress that you’d use.”

Aoi wrinkled her nose at that idea.

“Nah, that would be lame.”

“How the heck have you lasted for the last month?”

“I stayed in Natsi’s room, but it wasn’t the same. She wouldn’t let me grapple her.”

“Probably because you usually accidentally break bones when you do that with others.”

After bickering with Aoi, we ended up getting poptarts, pork chops, and no mattress.


We entered the flat where Aoi instantly leapt off of me, ran across the ceiling, and landed in the bed, sprawled out.

“It’s comfy.”

“It is. Want food?”


She ran to the table where I laid out the leftovers from yesterday.

She ate as quickly as possible. The food that before I thought would last us a whole week, ended that night.

Taury looked at her in a strange awe.

“How are you so skinny if you eat like that?”

I sighed.

“Aoi is one of those people with incredibly quick metabolisms, added on to how active she is, she needs to eat a heck of a lot.”

“I suppose that makes sense.”

Aoi finished eating then began grappling me. As usual.

I stood up.

“Alright, I’m gonna shower then head to bed.”

“”I’m coming.””

“No, and no. Taury, you shower on your own time, and Aoi, same problem as the mattress.”


I locked the door before either of them could try to break in.

I turned around, half expecting Aoi to be there, luckily it seemed that I actually did close the door in time.

I got in the shower and began to wash when I heard the familiar sound of a lockpick.


“… Nothing!”

“Stop picking the door.”

“… Awe…”

“Don’t give up, he can’t sto- WOAH!”

“OW, don’t use earth magic, jerk!”

I snickered.

This could be fun.

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Wed May 29, 2024 2:54 pm
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RavenAkuma wrote a review...

Hello Again, My Friend!

It's me, Raven, and I'd like to review the next chapter in this great story using my Familiar method! Let's dive in, shall we? Heh heh heh...

What The Black Eyes See...

Oh man, what a chapter! Plenty of great moments between the main group, a glimpse into William's upbringing, and diving straight into the long-awaited introduction of William's grandfather! I was really excited to see where this would go, and as a bonus, you introduced some new characters that I absolutely loved! Let's get into the details though.

Where The Dagger Points...

Once again, I don't have much to put here! I loved the settings, the character interactions, and all that really cool action. There is just one thing I noticed as I read, right here...

“William, I can never hit you, can I.”

Just a missing question mark is all. Good writing job ~

Why The Grin Widened...

First of all, coming back from the lake, I liked seeing these realistic reactions to the corpses that were left there:

Cherry had her face in her knees, the sneaky stoic girl… saw something horrifying. I felt guilt for suggesting we go to the lake.

It feels only natural that William, Taury, and other fey may be more equipped to handle a sight like that, horrific as it is, whereas oblivious students -blissfully unaware that monsters are lurking in the shadows of Earth- would be caught completely off guard and even traumatized.

And with that bridge, I liked that Grace shared a bit of her backstory -I was extremely curious after learning how atronachs are born, and if she had witnessed chaos like this before.

“Because, when I was an infantile atronach, I was attacked, numerous times. Groups trying to use me, contain me, and more. Fey, human, it didn’t matter. I’ve seen worse because I’ve done dark and horrid things… but demons… they are far more brutal than I ever was… What’s worse. What I did was for survival… What they do… they do it for ***** and giggles.”

It's easy to empathize with her situation, the need for survival and constantly at risk of being exploited, while still seeing the raw, destructive power of atronachs. Fascinating ~

I did like to see that John was willing to temporarily swap targets, realizing that demons could very well be a bigger threat than Morgan...Just as much as I liked seeing him get chair-launched XD

As I mentioned, I loved the setting with the mountain, and as for the new characters, all three get a 10 out of 10 from me. Saiyung sounds awesome and I love her design, and William's grandfather sounds like a total bada**! Especially when I read this...

“… Your rock collection?”

“Yeah, what, did you think they were just cool rocks?”

“Yes… yes I did.”

Not only did this make me laugh, but he has a whole collection of demon stones?!?! Awesome! I can't wait to see where his guidance leads William.

Ah, and as for Aoi...


She did a flip and landed on my shoulders.

“Onward to the station, my noble steed!”

I love this character already XD Definitely nailed the "clingy" aspect and having no boundaries, but she's freaking adorable and I can already see so many ways for her to help William. I like that she's someone who's known William for a long time, so she may have some interesting insight about him and his family. And of course, she's already making me laugh a lot with her antics.

Finally, we have a new mystery on our hands with Gramps's odd instructions for William, and I'm curious where it will lead...

Our Mad Thoughts...

Overall, I really enjoyed this one! Nicely done! :D


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Wed May 22, 2024 1:31 pm
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vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today!

Shalt we commence with the mutated S’more?

Top Graham Cracker - William, Taury, and his friends go to visit Gramps for answers. He doesn’t answer and instead gives them a riddle. But since William spent so much time with Gramps, he’s confident that he’ll be able to find a way to stop demons from doing absolute damage.

Slightly Burnt Marshmallow - I think that you meant to put in a question mark for when Jones is asking why the demons attack, but that’s just one little thing.

Chocolate Bar - Aoi seems like a very caring friend! Clingy, but caring. I like how William is gaining more of his own understanding of who he is, and is protecting the others. Gramps may have given him a riddle, but he’ll be able to solve it…hopefully…

Closing Graham Cracker - William, Taury, and his friends are staying at a hotel, ready to figure out the meaning of Gramps’ riddle. If they can do this before Morgan finds out anything, that would be great. If not, well…

I wish you an amazing day/night! ^v^

To answer before listening—that is folly and shame.
— Proverbs 18:13