
Young Writers Society

The Z.A.A.C Initiative

by SkyeWalker, CuriosityCat, ForeverWarrior

Nick Fury’s POV

The meeting with the Avengers was going well... Until 3 teenage girls crashed through the ceiling of the SHEILD helicarier, onto the meeting table. One pulled her... Gun... Out and pointed it at each of us in turn.

“Who are you people? What am I doing here? Answer me, I am the commander of Z.A.C!”

Another, an Asian girl, hissed, “Shut up, Selene! Now’s not the time! Don’t you see that they all have their weapons pointed at us?”

It was true. Cap had his shield at the ready, Iron Man’s hands were pointed at them, charged and ready to blast, Natasha’s fists were pointed at them, Hawkeye had his arrow nocked, and so on.

“Selene” hissed back, “You just gave my name away to _strangers_, *Zhia*!

“Zhia” looked guilty, and continued to argue with Selene

The third just studied us, and said, “Guys, did you actually study these people?”

“Nope, Bellatrix,” they said in unison.

They studied each of the Avengers in turn. Selene and Zhia gasped. This was a good time to perform one of my famous exits. As I left, I contacted Agent Hill.

_“Agent Hill.”_

_“Yes, sir?”_

_“Bring me a tranquilizer gun and five darts. Three to hit, and two to miss.”_

_“Yes, sir.”_


Zhia’s POV

I studied each of them closely in turn. I could see that they were uncomfortable. After all, my eye color isn’t normal. My eyes are silver, rimmed in gold and purple around the pupil. So yeah, they are probably uncomfortable.

Wait, have I seen these people before? I looked closer. And gasped. At the exact same time that Selene did. These people... I recognized them from my favorite movie... Were these people the Avengers? I suddenly looked around. The apparent “Nick Fury” was gone. Oh crap. This is not good.

I hear a slight sound. In a split second, My dual katanas are out, slicing the tranquilizer dart in half. But the bad news is that half of it plunges into my shoulder, and the other hits Selene. My world starts spinning, and I have just enough time to say, in a woozy voice, “Ooh... look... I’m holding two Shiny Toothpicks...” I see all of the Avengers just gape at me, and I faintly hear Selene say, “Yes... Very shiny...” My eyes roll back into my head and I crumple to the ground.


Bellatrix’s POV

I see Selene giggle and hear her say, “Yes... Very shiny...” And I watch as my two best friends black out. Rage burns in me like fire. Which is true since I can produce fire if I want to, or if I get really mad. I am really mad. But I tell myself, “Keep a low profile. Keep a low profile.”

I back up, and then hear the faint whistling sound of a tranquilizer dart rushing at me. I dodge. Wait... Was that meant to miss? Another rushes at me, this time a millimeter from hitting me. I look up with fear in my eyes as the last flies out of the blue. I think, “No... I cannot be captured... I cannot be captured...” It hits me in the stomach. I feel dizzy, and manage a weak laugh and a “Time to climb aboard the choo choo train!” What did I just say? Choo choo train? I finally just collapse, and everything is dark.


Iron Man’s POV

After the (incredibly dangerous looking) girls are dragged to a metal cell, I am the first to break the silence.

“Cap, how many times has this sort of thing happened?”


“I mean, how many people that we know have fallen out of the sky?”

“Um... Well, Thor did, and I believe Loki did. So two, at least that I know.”

“Well, they are basically gods, so-”

Thor booms, “I am right here, man of science!”

“Sorry, Thor,” I reply.

But what will we do about these girls?


Zhia’s POV

I wake up groggily, saying, “I better not be in iron bars-” I am in a cell. Perfect. Suddenly Bellatrix wakes up screaming, “Whodunnit!?!” I stare. She looks at me and says, “Did I say that out loud?”

“I believe you did, Bellatrix,” says a new voice. Selene.

“How long-” I say.

“I was awake the whole time. I just feigned it.”

“Oh.” And I stare at her, wondering how she stood a (half) tranquilizer bullet.

There is an awkward moment of silence. Bellatrix ends it by saying, “Well, want to break out of here?”

Selene gives her I-have-an-incredibly-stupid-but-genius-idea smile. I moan and put my head in my lap, shaking it.

“Selene,” I moan, “I do not like that look _at all._ It makes it worse with your eyes. Your red and gold eyes. Bellatrix gives me the shut-up-but-I-agree look.

“Come on! Must you mention my eyes?!”

“Sorry, Selene. I didn’t know that you were so sensitive about that. I mean, we all have the “crazy eyes”.”

Yup, we all had crazy eyes. Mine are silver, rimmed with gold, and purple around the pupil, as I already said. Selene has one red eye, one gold eye. Bellatrix has one red eye, and one purple eye.

“Ok, back to my incredible plan. First, we will-” Selene was cut off by two things: Bellatrix’s hair starting to light on fire, and Nick Fury walking in the door.


A/N: Haha! Cliffie!! But I am feeling nice today, so I will add the 2nd chapter too.

Disclaimer: I do not, By any means, own the Avengers. That amazing right goes to... none other than MARVEL. Also, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE read Z.A.C, by hp23456.

She is the author of that amazing series and is one of the ones I am working with to write the story. I also got the Idea for this story from her... along with the amazing... PoisonInk! Ok, I am writing the next chapter now. (o_o) Cookies for all subscribers!! (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) And finally, Selene’s POV!!


Selene’s POV

Bellatrix’s hair was on fire. Great. Zhia whispered to her, “Keep a low profile! Don’t let him-”

“I already see.”

“Dang it.”

“What are you hiding? I have looked everywhere, there is no file on you,” He says roughly.

I reply, “Let’s talk about this somewhere more... comfortable, shall we? Like, plush sofas, a vending machine and so on. Either that, or I will make you.

He smirks.

“That is reinforced iron. I don’t think you’ll be “making me” do anything soon.”

It is my turn to smirk.

“We’ll see about that. Zhia, Bellatrix, switch.” Our code for switching to sign language.

“ So, we break the bars out of our way, and we are free! Simple!” I sign.

Yeah, got it, but want to make it a little more dramatic?” Zhia replies.

“Fine. On three, we break out. One, two, three!”

We bend the bars around us at the exact same time, and step out.


Bellatrix’s POV

We bend the bars around us at the exact same time, and step out. Fury gets a tic in the eye he has left. I could imagine the comical scene of his eye patch exploding, to be replaced by one of the many he holds in his pocket. Of course, that’s not going to happen. Well... I could MAKE it happen...

Selene gives me a warning look. She knows me too well. Dang. No blowing up the eye patch now.

Anyway, I say, “Yes. We need something more comfortable. You lead us, _Nick Fury.”_

I finally realize that my hair is on fire. I quickly pat it out.

He leads us down numerous halls, then he presses his finger to the side of his ear, and says, “Iron Man, bring your team down here. These girls could be a problem, or quite good allies.”

I nudge Zhia, and whisper, “See? We could be “quite good allies”!”

She replies by rolling her eyes and motioning for me to shut up.

We finally reach the room we wanted, with cushy, plush, armchairs and couches. I plop down in one, and sigh. I haven’t seen one of these in forever. Not since before the zombie apocalypse. Not since before I met Zhia. I see Selene and Zhia brighten at the thought of cushy armchairs. I motion for them to come sit down. They plop down next to me.

“Okay, enough chitchat. Who exactly are you, and what are you? You ripped through reinforced iron like it was water!”

I am the first to speak. “My name is Bellatrix. I have the power of fire, I can lift up to three thousand pounds, I can breathe underwater, and I have heightened senses, and I can also move extremely fast. I am good with my gun, though not as good as Selene.”

Selene goes next. “I’m Selene. I have the same abilities as Bellatrix. I am extremely good with my pistol, or any type of gun for that matter.”

Zhia goes last. “My name is Zhia. I have the same abilities as Bellatrix and Selene, except I control wind and air. Not fire. Which means that if I wanted, I could suck the air out of your throats, and force it back in, popping your lungs. I am wickedly good with my dual katanas.”

Iron Man coughs. “That’s an understatement. You sliced a freaking thin TRANQUILIZER DART in HALF as it moved 50 MILES AN HOUR at you!”


Zhia’s POV

Iron Man coughs. “That’s an understatement. You sliced a freaking thin TRANQUILIZER DART in HALF as it moved 50 MILES AN HOUR at you!”

I smile wickedly. “I said I was extremely good with them.”

He gapes at me. “That’s not extremely good. That is-”

Nick snaps, “Enough! Selene, Bellatrix, Zhia, we need to assess your abilities.”

We are in silence for the rest of the trip.


Ok, then! That is the first and second chapter! There will be some action soon. 2,250 words! And 6 pages! In 12 font! That is an achievement! Ok, I am doing a happy dance! Enough of that, though, now I need a cover! Bye!


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324 Reviews

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Tue May 06, 2014 7:54 pm
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Evander wrote a review...


Raven here to review.

This seems to have great potential, just a few nitpicks.

This seems to be mostly dialogue, you might want to change that.

And in the beginning you call Captain America "Cap" I would introduce him as Captain America, and then say everyone calls him Cap.

You might want more descriptions, like how their cell was cold and dingy, or how it was clean and immaculate. And how the katanas silver blade cut through the speeding dart.
Even though descriptions are good, don't use to much.

Then the characters seem a little Mary Sue-ish

Spoiler! :
Just in case you didn't know what a Mary Sue is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue

Your characters have multi-coloured eyes which are not really (for lack of better word) "normal". And then they can breath under water and are elementals?

Then I would refrain from using authors notes in the middle of a story. That is very confusing. I am reading Zhai's POV, then BAM! I see a A/N, and then I think that the A/N is very lengthy, and then BAM! Another chapter.

Well, keep me notified when you post a new chapter!



You might have to read another story, one of my friend's to get the eye thing:

http://www.missliterati.com/stories/z-a ... 77a9020cd6


http://www.missliterati.com/stories/z-a ... 2818022ac0

These are lengthly books written by ForeverWarrior. And PoisonInk is

The A/N Was to signify the end of a chapter. But I combined two chapters, so yeah%u2026

I thought Nick Fury might call Captain America "Cap" But if i'm wrong, tell me.

I don't really know what Mary Sue-ish means. Darn My Ignorance!


CuriosityCat says...

Oh, Z.A.C. is actually a story written by ForeverWarrior. My other best friend on here. :3

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
— W. Somerset Maugham